A Ghost

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Chapter 29:

We arrived in Domino quite a few hours later. I was at Kaiba Mansion and decided to spend the night because Yugi and his friends weren't around to say anything. Not that I care but I don't like them being so critical of every action. They don't even know I'm in a relationship with Seto but they are jerks about even our friendship.

"Seto, what if all this nonsense has some truth to it?" I asked as we were curled up on his couch.

"I don't know Rika. I would never tell anyone this besides you, but when that freak played that Orichalcos card, I did feel something."

"I did too; my heart stopped during your duel. Now, I'm scared for my brother. He's chasing after this Dartz freak head first and blindly."

"I survived but we need to be careful. I don't know what these freaks are truly capable of. They seem to be two steps ahead of everything I do."

"I can't lose you Seto." I said wrapping my arms around him.

"Don't worry you won't. I'm not going anywhere without you." He said leaning down to kiss me. We continued watching our movie. It had one of those sappy happy endings but it made me think.
"Seto, in all honesty, where do you see us in five years?" I asked looking at him.
"Where did that come from?" He asked looking down at me perplexed.
"The movie got me thinking. I know we're young and you want to rule the business world and all, but I've always wondered where I would fit in."
"Well, I'm hoping we will still be together. Perhaps moving on to the next steps in our lives." He left it wide open for my interpretation.
"Thanks for being honest. It just brought the future to mind and with everything going on."
"I will always be here for you Ri. You mean the world to me. Without you and Mokuba, all my material belongings mean nothing. "
"Good to know. Now, let's go to bed." I said standing and walking towards his room.
I changed into my favorite of Seto's shirts and my flannel pants before climbing into his bed. He joined me shortly afterward.
"You love that shirt don't you." He said tugging on the edge playfully.
"I do. It's just right." I said smiling. It was a black t-shirt with Blue Eyes on it. I curled up to his side and rested my head on his chest.
"I could stay like this forever Seto." I said falling asleep to his heartbeat.

**Seto's POV**

Rika was asleep very fast after that. I debated going over to my office to work on some things but I knew my body needed some rest after being in multiple time zones in the last twenty-four hours. Also, my overprotective girlfriend would murder me for leaving her here alone. I moved her bangs aside so I could see her beautiful face and soon enough sleep found me as well.

"Rina, wait please, this is far too dangerous!" Rika was mounting a black mare and looked distressed, more so than I ever saw. She looked different thought, her hair had blonde streaks in it as well as her skin was much tanner. She also wore a loose-fitting dress with gold embellishments and gems.
"My brother will not fall to that man. He needs my help. You're power could help to Seto. We must go now before it is too late! Dartz is after all of us!"
"Rina, please, don't be foolish! I cannot lose you!"
"If you will not help, then I have no choice but to go on my own."
"Rina! Rina! Rika!"

I shot up in a cold sweat and breathed heavily. I looked down and Rika was still sleeping. I took a deep breath trying to slow my heart rate.
"What a nightmare," I said running my hand gently over Rika's beautiful face as I settled. She stirred curling back into my side.

"Seto..." She mumbled. I love hearing her talk in her sleep especially when it's my name. I relaxed fully at the small sound. I finally looked at the clock. It was only two am. I still have three hours before I have to get up for work. I laid back down against my pillow and closed my eyes praying for a restful, dreamless sleep this time.

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