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Y/n POV;-

What do you mean? How do we play that? I want to play a game of fair and square so we will be going to Jeju island and you will be standing on the end point of the maze . I and your boyfriend will enter at the same time and whoever comes out first will take you with them. It’s all about fate. If I win you will be in the mansion but if he wins then you can go and live your life and I will never bother you.

Thinking about this it seems childish but the maze is quite difficult there to come through and this needs no physical competition and this is the only opportunity I have to free myself , if this is lost I will have nothing. This will be a fair competition so there will be no guilt . Trying for once will not change anything and even if Junkook lose atleast I will get to meet him once.

I think it’s a good idea but why are you giving me a chance to free myself? Maybe your kindness needs a chance. And yeah don’t shower for now , you can shower in the morning but avoid drenching your wounded arm.  What ?I wanna shower , it’s too hot. You aren’t showering so better go back to bed and I am going to mine. I am showering.

This man is really childish, I didn’t know he could ever behave like this. If he showers then all of the dressing is gonna be ruined and he will definitely infect his wound. An idea popped up in my mind and I went straight to the bathroom. Where are you going? Be seated. After a while I came with chilled water and a towel , soaking the towel in the water I started wiping his upper body. Does it feel good now? I hope you aren’t going to shower.

Yeah it’s better but this is quite good. These ideas can only pop out in the mind of those who are lazy so that department is mine no I should say was. Are you not lazy now? Ofcourse not if I was lazy then I wouldn’t be cleaning every room of your entire mansion along with making food for three times every single day. My past self would have passed out listening to this amount of work. Indirectly you are taunting me Y/n.

Yeah so what? I have the right to say afterall I was the one who did everything and moreover I really want your future wife to make you work for a single day alone in the entire mansion. No one has the audacity to do that. That will be a sight to watch Jeon Jungkook working afterall karma exists.

Watching his cold face I thought he would say something , tucking on my lower lips. Uhhh….I guess I gotta go , good night. My future wife  is gonna bring karma with her , so I still have some time. I rushed outside but I heard him saying this sentence.

Junkook POV;-

Many weeks passed by and the new information which was passed to me went over my head. How come Jungkook became the leader of The Bangtans. He worked under a mafia but that was also new for me at first because it was not under contract. Him being the leader is something else , there is something which we all are missing. Does the mafia leader gave him the throne but why will he do it? Thinking about every string of clues confused me more .

Today my father arranged a family dinner with my uncle who is also the younger brother of my dad and the second son of Jeon family. Sitting around on the table we all started our dinner but the elders were only talking and I was munching my food. Son , you seem so quiet these days. Is something bothering you? My mom asked me. No mom there is nothing to be bothered about.

If you have any problems regarding the business you can seek help from your father and your uncle too. Don’t take every burden on your shoulder. Uhhh...mom…..in reality I am bothered about Y/n.

Do you remember a few months back I told you about a girl whom I met . Yeah you told me so what about that. We ended up being in a relationship but somehow Jungkook knew about it and he kidnapped her. I tried to free her from there and I almost succeeded but he caught her red-handed and took her back . I got to know that he isn’t with the mafia so everything is messed up and I don’t know what is happening .

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