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Author POV;-

The moment the boy stepped his foot inside the mansion,the big grin on his face dropped down watching the well built security laying down on ground as if a monster stepped on bunch of ants. Thinking he would embrace the love of his life when he will come back was pushed down to a cliff. Without thinking he rushed to his bedroom meeting with nothing but silence , wind entering from the big open windows , the messed up bed and just a note left on his bed instead of her being bundled up in a ball.

Blood filled mansion with a struggling Chen in the hall fighting over his death and life , the other boys helped him to get to hospital before he could leave them. You will wander like a psycho in agony of your dead girlfriend. Your dad owes me and now you do too. These words were enough to break the boundary of agony. He came back after two days and the whole world turned upside down , the girl was caged in the hands of the monster named Wangs hanging in the fear of death , the pyscho can kill her any minute.

He surely held some personal grudges with him that he went to the extent of breaking the peaceful petition and kidnapping some family members for his dirty games.How can his dad be connected to the mafia world ? Assemble the whole team we will go to The Wangs , he started it and I will continue. Giving a straight command , he went to take his weapons. Are you out of your mind Jungkook?

He was brought back into reality by Namjoon's words , the wrath and fear of losing her was making him insane. He wasn't thinking straight. We cannot go straight up without having the information , half of our people went abroad and the we lost many of them. Rest of them are tired from the fight from southern. Will you go and fight on your own? Namjoon stated the truth about the real condition knowing well this was the reason they were broken into pieces , it was a game planned.

I haven't trained them to be tired. Jungkook screamed in anger , the bigger one knew he wasn't in the correct state of mind and he needs to help him out , his fear of losing her was making him do insane thing afterall he loved her and the thought of her suffering at the moment couldn't be neglected. Jungkook I understand your agony but we need to come with a plan , we don't know where they have kept Y/n , in their main base or one of the smaller ones. We can't attack till we know about her whereabouts and keep her safe. Nodding his head , he understood what the bigger one is trying to think , being the leader he can't lose his grip.

All the maids went back to cleaning the trace of blood from the mansion , the Bangatns were quieter about the thing. The Wangs didn''t get to hear about anything , gathering the whole group they worked on finding about the whereabouts of Y/n. Jungkook never took a break , his bones were breaking after the fight in Southern but his focus was on getting to his princess who must be waiting for her.

Sending secret agents in every base of Wangs and hacking their cameras with their minds , they couldn't find the trace of Y/n. One day passed since they started working and there was no clue , no message from The Wangs. Please do anything to find her , he cried watching them fail on each attempt , he blamed himself why he left her alone when she pouted in front of him to stay with her. The boys were back from Italy and all of them gave him a brotherly hug , promising the younger one to find her. For some of them she was their friend and sister , looking at the mansion it looked dead silent without her giggles.

Y/n POV;-

Opening her eyes she was met by silence and darkness , it felt like she took a subscription for being kidnapped once in a while but the question which arises here is till when she will be rescued safely. Her life was growing pretty smoothly , out of nowhere a bump came and she was trapped yet again in a dark room. Sir she woke up. I heard someone's voice echoing in the dead silent room and a new person entered inside.

Who are you? My eyes widened watching the man standing in front of me. Got your answer , I don't have to say anything. Why are you doing this? Instead he gave me a tight slap across my cheeks , my lips started bleeding , You are the reason that family is mended back into pieces , a sob escaped my lips from the stinging feeling from the tight slap.

Watch Jungkook breaking into pieces , he won't be able to find you. No one will know where you are. I wanted to speak but I knew this man is a psycho and he can pull a gun on my head any moment instead I cried when he left me. I know wherever I am they will find me , the boys are far more intelligent than he could ever think of. A sweet poison living in a family filled with lies.

Author's POV;-

Sitting on the edge of bed he traced the empty space she always sat and slept , imagining the worst if he lost her how his life would be? His door barged open , taehyung came panting as if he ran miles. We found something important , come with me. Gazing towards the screen his eyes landed on a familiar figure, an old lady. Ms.Choi? What was she doing at Wang's main base? Was she behind Y/n kidnapping or was she one the Wangs people?

Without thinking much he went straight to her house address she shared when she started working , the thought of her being a traitor clouded his mind. Connecting all the past dots he understood the reason behind her leave , breaking the door with a thud he barged inside along with his guards and Namjoon.

He found her holding a gun , the moment she saw him she lowered her weapon but Jungkook pointed straight to her head. You are a traitor in the The Bangtans mansion. A secret agent of Wangs. It's not what you are thinking about. I am not one of them.

How can you have a gun from The Wangs? He pointed towards the weapon she was holding some minutes ago to protect her. She became quiet listening to his straight words and the fear of losing her life in a mere misunderstanding clouded her mind from speaking any further. Hearing the screech of the tyre everyone tilted their heads back , coming inside Chen embraced Ms.Choi. Sir please don't kill her , she is my mother.

Jungkook was left dumbfounded over this new information that Ms.Choi is the mother of the only trusted person after the six boys. He never saw them having any conversation. How is it possible? What was she doing at the Wangs? This was going to be a long story , sending all the guards back, Jungkook and Namjoon took a seat. Ms.Choi I want you to be really honest with me , they already took Y/n. Nodding her head she approved that she is aware about this news.

Have you seen her? I saw the guards taking her inside. They were sure by now that she is kept in the mansion. Starting her side of the story , Chen was the son of Ms.Choi and leader of The wangs. He used her for one night stand but she became pregnant , it all happened in the club and she thought he was some normal person , approaching him when she shared about her pregnancy he took her to the mansion.

Thinking she would leave a normal life but one day she overheard their conversation , he will kill her when he will get his child. Living in for a month she came across his dark secrets and knew about him being a mafia. That was the last straw for her to run away , this man was not good for her life , taking one of his guns she fled away and remained low-key till she gave birth to Chen.

He grew up away from her and she made sure that his child remains dead on files. Who invited you to Jeon's mansion? Mrs.Jeon personally knew Ms.Choi and she was the one who gave her the invitation , the day Jungkook saved Mrs.Jeon , she came to pay her a visit. Why did you ignore me at the party? I was afraid when I saw that person sitting on the bar and I couldn't help but get out of that place.
You saw him there? I asked, astonished , the party was for inner circle and some business partners , how can he come inside? It was confirmed he is someone in the inner circle but who is he?

Do you have any picture of him? No . Should we check the CCTV? People usually don't use cameras in regular mansions. He forgot the fact that it was a mansion for normal people , so after making a call to Jeongsan he asked for the list of people who were invited to the party along with their photos. They got the file in an hour , she said no every time he flipped the page , he was being impatient watching the page come to an end. What if he doesn't find the face of the person in this book? This is him. She pointed towards a person standing in the family photo.

Are you sure that he is the one? How can she not identify the person who is a monster , whom she met a few days before and from whom she was hiding from.

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