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Katie's POV

Today was my first day in college.

I came to Massachusetts a month after graduating high school because I was living in an apartment alone and not in a dorm in MIT.

I don't like someone sharing things with me, I like things to be the way that I want them to be and I don't want someone that doesn't know me using my stuff and changing their place so living in an apartment alone is better.

My grandparents are worried because I'm living alone for the first time but I have made a list on what to do everyday and another list for the things that I'll be doing depending on the date I put it on. I put grocery shopping every two weeks on Saturday, laundry every week on Friday and that's the starter only.

I have it on the wall in my living room and the other list next to it. I organized everything around the apartment and I feel very good about the way it's done right now.

My first class was at 9am because I usually wake up at 8am so I gave myself an hour to get ready and make my way to the university.

I'm hopefully going to be a mechanical engineer. I have always had a love for science, physics, mathematics and all of these things and I consider myself amazing in them.

I graduated with straight A's in everything. I was the top of every class I had in high school and I'm very proud of how far I came.

I walked into the classroom and sat in the middle. Some people are already here but the class didn't start yet.

I heard someone talking to other people so I turned to look at them. She looked at me "what?" She asked sounding annoyed "you're being very loud, it's annoying" I don't mean to be harsh or make other people feel bad, I just want to do something for my own comfort for once.

"And I am gonna be as loud as I fucking want-" someone cut her off "no you're not" I looked towards the person to see a tall brunette woman walking in and sitting on the desk beside the girl "you're always loud because you want attention. This beautiful lady just told you to be quiet and she's very right"

She looked at me and smiled "I'm Viviana. You are?" She asked me for my name "I'm Katie Scott" I said. She put her hand out for me to shake but I didn't shake it. I don't like being touched a lot.

"Okay" she pulled her hand back and I looked back in front of me. I heard the people talking a little lower than they were which was so much better after Viviana stepped in because they clearly do not want to listen to what I have to say.


"Okay I would like for you to find two partners because we'll be having a lot of group projects so I'd like if you form groups of three right now to get to know each other more before any projects"

I raised my hands and the professor pointed at me "yes Miss Scott?" He said. I cleared my throat "can I work alone?" I asked avoiding eye contact. He shook his head "I'm sorry miss but you have to be in a group"

"You can be with me" I looked at the girl beside me "I'm Jenny" she said putting her out to shake but I didn't shake it. She pulled it back slowly "well okay..come on sit with me" she said pulling a chair closer to her "we need another person to form the group" I said.

"And miss Lopez will be with you" the professor said. I looked at who he looked at to see Viviana who was already in a group "I'm already in one" she said with a defensive tone "I know but you're in a group with your friends, you're gonna talk rather than work and I want you to get to know other people so you're with them"

She looked at Jenny then at me. She stood up and sat with us "hey I'm Jenny" Jenny is very nice but she has a very high pitched tone that she uses which is kind of annoying but I'm not going to say anything about it because I don't want her to hate me especially when we have to work together for the end of the year.

I looked at Viviana who was writing something on her paper. I looked away and didn't ask her because it's her business and I know I don't like when people ask me about things that I'm doing alone.

"What are you writing?" Jenny asked. I was curious on what she was writing but I wasn't going to be the one to invade her personal space.

"I'm drawing" she flipped the paper and looked up at us "so what are we supposed to do now?" Viviana asked. I didn't answer because I didn't know exactly what to do, I'm not really the best at communicating and making friends.

"Let's get to know each other" Jenny said. Viviana sighed and nodded "sure. I'm Viviana, I'm from Colombia and I'm nineteen" she sounded a little annoyed and not into what was happening "I'm Jenny, I'm from California and I'm eighteen" she said.

I looked at them and saw them both waiting for me to say something "I'm Katie Scott and I'm eighteen. I was born in Georgia but I moved to Oregon to live with my grandparents"

"Are you autistic?" Jenny asked. I didn't expect someone to be very straight forward with me like this "let's not Jen" Viviana said to her. I looked at Viviana who was glaring at Jenny for what she said "I am not ashamed of it" I said.

"I know but it's not like something is gonna change if we know" Viviana saying that kind of made me happy because I was always getting special treatment from my grandparents and in school. I didn't like it because they made me feel abnormal and different from other people.

My parents treated me differently too but in a very bad way which is why I moved to live with my grandparents when I turned 12.

"What about your family life?" Jenny asked. I looked at Viviana who was already looking at me but I kept looking down at her neck or chin "well I live with both of my parents and it's going perfectly" Jenny said happily "my mother passed away and my dad treated me badly so I went to live with my grandparents"

"Oh god I'm sorry for your lost" Viviana said. I shrugged "it's okay" my mom treated me even worse than my dad. Losing her was like a blessing to me and after she passed away it was such a good feeling waking up and knowing I won't be hit.

My dad was bad because he was an alcoholic. He says very hurtful things but he doesn't hit me. My mom used to do that.

"What about you Viv?" Jenny asked Viviana "first of all don't call me that, second of all I'd like to keep that private" Jenny looked a little sad after Viviana said the first part to her but she should understand. I don't like when people call me Kat or K, I just like hearing my full name being called.

We stayed quiet for a bit then Jenny broke the silence "do you guys want to exchange numbers?" She asked. Viviana shrugged "I don't mind" Jenny gave her phone to Viviana so she can put her number in it then Viviana looked at me "may I?" She asked pointing to my phone. I wouldn't have let her hold something that is mine if she didn't politely ask me to hand it to her but Viviana seems like a very gentlewoman.

She put her number in it then put her hand out for me to take it. I took it from her and our hands slightly touch "just text me something so I can save your number" she said to me. I nodded and texted her 'hi'

I heard her laugh a little 'hey' she texted back. I put my phone down and she did the same "so what else?"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now