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Viviana's POV

"Oh god" I thrusted inside of her one last time then laid down next to Lana who was trying to catch her breathe as I did the same. Okay maybe after a few days of what she said, I thought why not give it a go? I have nothing to lose and neither does she.

"Woah. That was the best sex I ever had with someone and I'm not even kidding this time" she said making me laugh. I looked at her while I was panting "you told everyone that it was the best?" I asked her and she nodded "yeah because they look like they're about to cry after it"

"I had to fake orgasms like..I don't know, I lost count, it was a lot but this..this made up for everything" my mind immediately drifted away to Katie. Did that 'date' go well or did Jenny do something stupid? Maybe I should call her and check in, it's been a few days since I actually had a long good conversation with her and I miss her.

I stood up and started putting my clothes back on "where are you going?" She asked me "to go check on Katie-" she cut me off and sat up, her upper body not covered with anything. I have to admit, Lana is very beautiful and her body is amazing.

"No you're not. You can't move on if you treat her like that, I mean treat her well just don't look very desperate for her" she said. I sighed and stayed in my underwear, laying on the bed again "but I am desperate for her"

"I know but you gotta stay strong" we started watching the show 'sex education' since we had nothing else to do but then my phone started ringing.

I took it from the nightstand and saw that it was Katie. I sat up and answered it immediately "hey Katie" She doesn't call a lot so this made me a little worried "Vivi? Can you come pick me up?" She sounded scared.

"Where are you? What happened?" I asked her standing up and putting the phone on speaker so I can get dressed. Lana sat up and started listening too.

"Jenny got really drunk at the club and I said I'll wait outside because I didn't like the music and then she left me to go with her friends, she asked me to go with her but they were really drunk I was scared that we'll crash in the car. I tried to stop her but one of her friends pushed me and made my head hit the wall and now I'm bleeding"

I looked at Lana who looked concerned and worried. She stood up and started getting dressed "I wanted to call the thing that's called 'Uber' but I don't want to ride with a stranger. I'm sorry for disturbing you at a late time" it was 1am but I don't sleep early when I don't have anything the next day.

"You're not disturbing me baby, don't worry. Just send me your location so I can come and pick you up, can you do that for me?" I heard her sniff "okay, please be quick" then she hung up.

I took my car keys and got out of the apartment with Lana following me "Jenny gonna get fucked up" she said seeing me frustrated, angry and worried all at once. I wanted to murder Jenny.

I got in the car and went to the location Katie sent me "a camera definitely caught you speeding" Lana said. I wanted to get there as fast as I could "I don't care"

I got to the location and looked around for Katie to see her standing away from everyone and looking around. I parked my car close to her and got out immediately as Lana followed me.

She looked at me and came towards me, hugging me tightly which caught me by surprise. I kissed the side of her head softly and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly "you're gonna be okay"

"I'm really cold" I frowned at what she said and slowly backed away from the hug. I took my hoodie off and helped her wear it "what about you?" She asked. I was in my sports bra. I smiled and cupped her face, kissing her red cold nose "I'll be okay"

"Where does it hurt?" She touched the place that was bleeding softly to show me where it hurts exactly. I stood behind her and looked at it. It didn't seem so bad, it was a small cut "here" Lana said giving me a tissue. I took it from her and wiped the blood off gently making sure it doesn't hurt her.

I stood in front of her again and pulled the cap of the hoodie on for her. The hoodie was really big on her and she was standing so awkwardly with her red button nose, it was kind of cute "come on, let's go"

"Let me drive" Lana said and I nodded, giving her the keys. Lana has been nothing but amazing to me and Katie in the past few days, even if she doesn't see Katie that often, she's really nice to her. I feel like I can trust her a little to drive us back safely.

I got in the backseat with Katie and Lana drove back to her apartment. Katie put her head on my chest "does Jenny hate me?" I wrapped my arm around her and shook my head "I don't think it's possible for anyone to hate you. I think she was just..drunk" this is me trying to make things easier on Katie while I'm planning Jenny's murder.

Just kidding. I'm just going to make sure she takes care of Katie or I'll do it for her, I'm already doing it though. Jenny sucks at being a girlfriend and Katie deserves someone who will make her first relationship amazing.

Lana parked the car and looked back at us after taking her seatbelt off "she's sleeping" she said quietly smiling at me "she's so cute" she added. I laughed and nodded "she is"

Lana opened the door for me so I can carry Katie. I got out with Katie in my arms, carrying her bridal style to Lana's apartment.

We got in and I slowly placed Katie down on the couch. It looked very comfortable to sleep on to be honest.

"Do you have an extra blanket?" I asked Lana and she nodded, giving me one. I covered Katie with it and kissed her forehead "sweet dreams, pretty girl"

"You're in love, don't even try to deny it anymore dude" Lana said. My smile died as I sat a little far from Katie on the couch "I just wish she loved me back"

I feel like I can try for a relationship. I think it's just fear taking over me and my thoughts but I think I'll do well. I pretty much experienced what I shouldn't do in a relationship and I know how badly things can hurt someone so I know what not to do and what to do.

But now, it's too late.

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now