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Viviana's POV

"Do you have any mental illnesses?" I laughed and looked at Katie "what do you mean?" I asked her as I kept making the food I was working on for the both of us.

"Have you ever been diagnosed with any mental illness by a professional person?" I sighed and shook my head "no I'm scared of the results. Why do you ask?"

"Because I like paying attention to people when they're not looking. Especially the people I really care about" I smiled at what she said and rested my hands on the island of the kitchen as she sat on the opposite side of it.

"I realized that you smile a lot when someone says something because you want to be polite.." j nodded my head at what she said "..but it dies immediately when you look away. You always fake a smile because you're never happy"

"No I am happy. I'm happy when I'm around you" I said. I didn't want her to worry about me even if she doesn't sound like she does, I just don't want her to think about something that she shouldn't have to think about.

I'm scared of being diagnosed with anything.

"I'm glad to hear that but we aren't together a lot" it's true. I feel empty when I'm not around her but when I just see her, I get so happy.

"Why don't you go to a professional to see if you have any mental illnesses?" I went towards the pasta I was making to check on it "it's gonna help you a lot-" I slammed my hands to the table "I don't want to get fucking diagnosed"

I felt instant regret when I raised my voice at her. I know she's just trying to help.

I turned to look at her and she looked down at her fingers. I went behind her and wanted to kiss her cheek but she moved away "I'm sorry for yelling. I didn't mean to"

"I was just trying to help you" I nodded my head at what she said "I know, I'm sorry for yelling. I just have a lot of problems and I have had a lot of problems before, I'm scared that it'll be bad. That's all"

"But it's better if you get help at an early time just so it doesn't get worse" she said. I rested my chin on her shoulder and kissed her neck "maybe someday but I'm not ready now"

"Okay" I started kissing her neck slowly and gently seeing her liking it. She tilted her head to the side "do you want me to keep going?" I asked her putting my hands softly on her waist "yes please"

I smiled and left soft kisses all around her neck, sucking softly on a spot she seemed to like. She moaned lightly making me a little excited down there. I know nothing more will happen but I can't help it.

Her moans are so angelic and hard to resist.

I kissed up her neck and got to her jaw, kissing it softly then kissing her cheeks. She turned her head to look at me "can I kiss you?" She nodded her head and I slowly leaned in.

I heard someone knock on my door making me slightly jump. I groaned and kissed Katie's cheek "give me a sec" she nodded and I walked towards the door, just wanting to kick out whoever knocked on the door in hope that I would go continue what I was doing.

I opened the door to see Brianna with beers in her hand and a lot of people were standing behind her "what the fuck dude?" I whisper yelled. She laughed "you invited us to have a party at your place so here we are"

I didn't know what she was talking about but then a flashback came to mind "shit Bri, I was fucking high. Why would you listen to what I said?" She shrugged her shoulders "because I wanted to have a party"

She pushed past me and the others walked in behind her "hey Kat" Brianna said to Katie "don't call me that" Katie said back to her "please" she added making me smile.

I walked towards her "I invited some people for a party. We can go somewhere quiet and continue what we were doing" she shook her head and stood up "I have to go. I don't like parties, they give me anxiety"

Before I even got to say anything, she left and closed the door behind her.


"Listen I'm so sorry. I didn't know they were going to come over. I really wanted you to stay" I wanted her to know that it wasn't something I did because I wanted to get rid of her, I genuinely like hanging out with her.

"It's okay" she said. I frowned "really?" She nodded her head "really"

I sat down on the desk next to her and smiled looking at her. Jenny walked in the class as we waited for our teacher to come.

She came towards Katie and kissed her cheek. My smile died. What the actual fuck was that about?

"I'll pick you up today at 8" she said to her and Katie nodded. I cleared my throat "what are you guys gonna do?" I asked them "we're going on a date" Katie nodded her head at what Jenny said "we are"

I think my heart just broke a little.

"Oh that's nice" I said swallowing a lump in my throat "yeah we're gonna have so much fun" Jenny said smirking at me. I bit the inside of my cheeks and looked away from them "yeah yeah I said that's nice"

"Why? jealous?" I looked at Jenny and clenched my fists "I fucking said it's nice. What else do you want me to do? Stand up and dance around because you're going on a date? I don't fucking care. I said it's fucking nice, take it or fucking leave it!"

"Oh god chill. I didn't say anything"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now