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Viviana's POV

My boss called me and wanted me to come to work. It was Saturday and I don't work on Saturdays, I'm kind of worried because he wouldn't tell me why he called me until I was there.

I went to the back to where his office is. He looked up at me and sighed. He pointed to the chair in front of him and I sat down "is everything okay?" I asked him.

"You're fired" he said without any introduction. He just threw that right at my face "what? Why?" He stood up and wanted to leave so I followed him. I want an explanation. I've been doing everything I could do to be the best in my job, I want to know what happened.

"Why?" I held his arm and turned him around. He looked at me and pulled his arm away "a girl complained about the drink that you made-" I laughed and cut him off "okay I messed up once. Can't I have another chance?"

"Not only once"


I threw my bag on the floor and pinned Jenny against the wall "you fucking ruined my life. I need that fucking job and I never even served you any drinks. You had to make up stories just to get me fired? Is that how selfish you are?"

She laughed and didn't move or try to fight me "you just fucked up in your job-" I wanted to punch her but I heard Katie call for me "don't hit her" I didn't know what to do. I was mad and frustrate.

"if you hit her I won't talk to you again" she didn't have to do me like that. I punched the wall next to Jenny's head and didn't let go of her "I need that job to help my family back home. My aunt takes care of my five siblings that are all younger than me. She doesn't have a very good job and one of my siblings is seven years old, he needs her to take care of him. I didn't even want to leave Colombia, I wanted to stay with them but they didn't let me throw this amazing opportunity away so I try to help them from here"

"I want you to fucking know all of that so you sleep feeling fucking guilty of what you did!" I backed away and looked at Katie who was looking at my neck to avoid eye contact.

I sniffed and left the room before anyone saw me crying.


"I can help you" I turned to look at Katie who just walked into class "what do you mean?" I asked her laughing. It's been a few days since what happened with Jenny and I haven't seen her being a bitch since then. She tries to avoid me as much as she can and I honestly love it.

"My grandparents are very rich. They can send your family a lot of money to help them" I sighed and went towards her "it's okay Katie. I can help them-" she shook her head and put her backpack on the desk, taking something out.

"I already asked my grandparents to help you and they accepted because they like helping others" she handed me a check that had 10k written on it with my name and their signature.

I felt tears form in my eyes "that's a lot of money" I said looking up at her. She nodded "I know so it's going to help you a lot" I smiled and nodded my head as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"do you not like it? Do you want more-" I hugged her tightly even though I know she doesn't like sudden movements or hugs, I just had to. I'm so grateful that she did this for me.

"Thank you so much" I said as more happy tears came down my face. She didn't hug back and I didn't expect her to, that's fine. I just want her to know that what she did means everything to me.

"This is going to help them more than you think Katie" I said backing away. She nodded and smiled "I'm glad I can help"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now