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Viviana's POV

"She gave me this" Katie said giving me a small piece of paper "it has her number on it, I didn't want to take it and give it to you which is why she hit me"

I put the paper in my pocket and gave Katie all my attention again "let's go back to my place so you can shower and get some rest" she nodded and I stood up, putting my hand out for her to hold which she did as she stood up.

I looked at Brianna and Lana "thank you for calling me and for taking care of Katie until I got here, I appreciate that" they both smiled at me "of course" Brianna said back.

Lana kept looking at Katie with concern all over her face. Katie lifted her shirt up and looked at the bruise which made Lana look even more worried than she was.

I looked at Brianna then at Lana, trying to hint for her that Lana is concerned and being my best friend, she understood.

Brianna wrapped her arm around Lana's waist and kissed her cheek making her slightly smile "let's go baby. Bye guys"

I walked with Katie to the car and opened the door for her. She got in and I went to the driver's seat, getting in and driving away to my apartment.

I took a quick glance at Katie to see her looking down at my thighs while playing with her fingers nervously "what is it?" I asked dryly "are you mad at me?"

Maybe I'm mad, just not at her.

"No I'm not.." I was still sounding cold. I didn't mean to sound cold but I didn't know how to act. I was planning Selena's murder and all I'm thinking about is how she hurt my girl.

I took Katie's hand and interlocked my fingers with hers "..I'm not mad at you, you didn't do anything wrong"

"Why are you talking to me like that though? It's like you don't like talking to me" I clenched my jaw and pulled my hand away from hers "why did you let go?" She asked reaching out for my hand again.

"Just shut up until we get back home" I don't know what has gotten into me. I just felt like saying that.

She pulled her hand away "oh okay"


"Vivi?! Can you please come help me?!" I heard Katie yell from the bathroom.

I groaned and stood up, opening the door to the bathroom "what?" I asked her. She was full on naked but she was trying to hide herself from me "the towel, I can't reach it" she said pointing to the towel on the highest shelf.

I reached for it and gave it to her. She immediately wrapped it around her body and kept looking down, taking quick glances at me as she stood still in her place.

"I'm sorry for being like this. I don't know what happened. I'm just mad that Selene got to you and hurt you, it's not anything with you"

"Do you want a blowjob?" She asked. I frowned and laughed, shaking my head "what? no. Not everything gets solved like that"

"I don't know what to do. You're mad at me and you won't admit it" she said as I saw tears gather in her eyes "okay then, yes I'm fucking mad at you. Not because of what happened, because of what you said in the car about me sounding cold"

"Why are you mad at me for that?" She asked me "because I don't think you fucking realize that that's how you speak to me 24/7 and when I did it, you started to complain?! It's fucking unbelievable"

"But I can't control it. You know that" then she walked passed me. I followed her to my room to see her putting her clothes back on then I heard my phone buzz "just stay for a little, I have to check that"


Text me rn

Someone got my message

Shut the fuck up
you could've hurt me instead of her

That's not fun anymore
I had enough of that

Fuck you Selena

That's so sweet

Meet me tomorrow
*sent an address*
There at 10pm

Okay, see you then

I looked up and Katie wasn't here anymore.

I threw my phone on the bed and ran to the living room, didn't find her there so I ran outside to see her walking down the side of the street.

I ran towards her and took her hand, making her turn around "baby I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that shit. Fuck me for everything I fucking said. I was just pissed because Selena hurt you. I'm so fucking sorry"

"So you're not mad at me?" I shook my head and hugged her "I'm in love with you. Nothing about you makes me mad and nothing you do makes me mad. I don't mind when you coldly talk to me, I'm just frustrated.." I took a deep breathe "..and scared"

"Why?" She asked hugging me back "Selena. She always hurt me and I was the weak one and now I want to teach her a lesson for hurting you but I'm worried I'm gonna chicken out and I'm worried if I do chicken out, you won't feel safe around me again. I want you to feel safe around me"

I know that Katie didn't have the perfect safe life with her parents and I wanted to make sure she feels good, loved, safe, cared about and everything good she didn't feel with her family, I want her to feel that with me.

I never meant to yell at her. I'm just so scared.

"I feel safe around you, I still do" I smiled and hugged her tighter, embracing the girl I love in my arms makes me feel better about everything "and I love you so much. I left because I thought you didn't want me there. It's understandable that the way I talk might affect us a little so I'm not mad about that"

"No it's not okay and no it doesn't affect us" I pulled back and cupped her face, resting my forehead on hers "I meant nothing I said. Talk to me like you fucking hate me and I'll still love you and have butterflies whenever you do the most simple thing ever"

I saw her cheeks turn red as she looked at my neck but she looked up, her eyes looking into mine for the second time.

Her looking into my eyes make me so happy.

Her eyes are so innocent and soft. She might be a freak in the bed but god does she have this innocent look on her face all the time.

Even when she talks about sex. She sounds like she's learning not that she's trying to turn me on. She just wants to know what I like.

And when we did have sex, the way she did everything showed me a whole different side of her.

Her back arching, her moans, the way she threw her head back, the grinding...god everything about this girl drives me crazy.

But this isn't about sex. This is about keeping my girl safe and protecting her.

"I have always felt safe around you. It doesn't matter if you punch her or hurt her or yell at her, you're still the person I feel safe and protected around"

I smiled and shook my head, pecking her lips softly "that made me want to punch her" she laughed and a little wind hit us "it's cold" she said breaking the eye contact.

Her hair was wet so of course she would feel cold.

"Let's go back home"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now