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Viviana's POV

"Well isn't this a creepy place to ask for us to meet up at"

I got off the bench I was sitting on and turned around, looking at Selena who smirked and got closer to me.

God that smirk I can just punch it away from her face.

"Did you miss me Vivi?" She asked coming towards me and playing with the collar of my shirt.

I felt like I was frozen. I couldn't move or do anything or even talk back to her.

I didn't think it would be this hard to talk to her in person but it is. I'm really scared and it's hard trying to hide it from her.

"Cat bit your tongue baby?" She interlocked her fingers on the back of my neck and looked into my eyes as I breathed heavily "I-I..you shouldn't have..Katie" what am I saying oh my god?

I literally want to lay on the floor and cry.

She still scares me and I still get flashbacks of how badly she treated me.

But I have to do this for my Katie.

"I-I..Katie.." she said mocking me. I gulped as I heard her laugh "..fuck that bitch, you know you want me and only me"

Before I even knew it she kissed me but I didn't kiss back.

I actually got mad.

Did she just kiss me after saying 'fuck that bitch' about MY girlfriend?

I pushed her back immediately and she laughed "acting tough, aren't we?" I went towards her and held her shirt, pushing her against the table that was close to us since we were in the middle of a public park that had literally no one and no lights on.

"No one gets to hurt Katie and get away with it. I don't care about our past, you hurt Katie, I hurt you. It's as simple as that"

I put my fist up in the air but then she stopped me "don't do this. You know you don't want to. I'm always gonna be your girl, right?" I smiled and shook my head, punching her face hardly "no"

"Katie is my girl and you dared to hit her like that when I fucking exist?" I punched her again and again "I don't fucking care about you.." I punched her again "..I don't care about you getting hurt or fuckinh dying but I care about Katie and I would do anything to make her happy"

I stopped punching her and looked at her bloody face "get close to her or even breathe her air and I'll make sure you fucking regret it"


"Look at that, the bruise isn't even there anymore" I said rubbing my hand over her soft stomach. She smiled and nodded "yes, it has been a week and I'm glad it's gone"

I hummed and pecked her lips "hey baby?" She looked at me "yes?" She said back. I pulled my hand away from her stomach and interlocked my fingers together, resting them on my lap.

"Remember last week? The day after you got the bruise?" She nodded her head "yes. When you said you hurt your hand. I remember"

"Yeah I told you I accidentally hit it on the door and it just hurt me that's why I wrapped it but that's not really it" she frowned her eyebrows at what I said.

I didn't tell her because I didn't want her to be concerned.

That's why I left late at night.

"What happened?" She asked me "Selena..I talked to her that day. Told her things, punched her and things like that. No biggie" I said quickly wanting to get it over with.

"You punched her?" I looked at her and sighed "yes. I'm sorry, I just- she was talking badly about you. She called you a bitch, I wouldn't let that happen-" then I just felt her lips being placed on mine.

I smiled and held her waist as she straddled my lap. She backed away, her hands still cupping my fast softly "no one has ever done something like that for me before"

"I'll do anything to make sure you're safe" she smiled and her cheeks reddened at what I said but then she looked into my eyes for a split second then looked down at my neck again.

"I'm really proud of you. I know it was hard for you to do that to the person that hurt you the most. I'm so proud of you"

When I tell you I wanted to cry right then and there, I mean it.

And I think I might cry actually. My eyes are just getting blurry.

This woman actually put me in consideration in a situation that was only about her but still, she said she's proud of me for standing up against my abuser.

Some people really need to learn from this perfect woman.

People think about themselves too much and think people around them don't feel but Katie, oh Katie. My beautiful girl that is just..perfect.

I don't even have to explain why she's perfect. It's obvious.

She's caring, she tries her best to be understanding, she thinks about others a lot, she tries her hardest in everything and I've never been more in love with someone in my entire life.

I will bring hell to whoever hurts my girl.

Wether it is my closest fucking friend in the entire world or the person I couldn't even talk to without stuttering from how much they scare me.

I don't want her to make this about me but hearing that someone is proud of me for doing that makes me so happy.

I always wanted to hear those words.

"I'm sorry, did I make you sad?" She asked seeing tears in my eyes. I shook my head and placed my forehead on her chest, wrapping my arms tightly around her waist.

"Promise to never leave me" I said. She wrapped her arms around my neck and played with my hair softly "but what if you get sick and I have to get you medicine? I have to leave you to get you the medicine and what if we have different classes?" this girl is my everything.

I laughed and shook my head "not like that baby, I mean like..leave leave me" I said looking up at her "leave you twice?" She asked tilting her head to the side "No baby. I mean like break up with me" I said laughing a little at how she got confused.

"Oh okay.." she said nodding her head "..yes, I will never break up with you. I really love you and it will really hurt me if we ever break up"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now