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Viviana's POV

"So I just tell her that I want to break up with her?" Katie asked. I nodded my head "yes and if she's not an asshole she's gonna accept it. She might ask questions though" I looked at Lana "I don't think she'll like the fact that you and Katie kissed" Lana said.

I looked at Katie and she started getting more nervous "hey listen.." I put my hand on her cheek and rubbed it softly "..everything will be okay. Don't try to hide the truth, tell her everything you want to tell her and I'll be right here making sure you're okay and that she doesn't overreact or do anything shitty so whenever you feel uncomfortable just look at my direction"

She nodded and I looked down at her hands seeing a few veins showing from how hard she was clenching her fists. I held it "relax.." she relaxed and I moved her hand closer to my lips, kissing her hand softly "..everything will be okay, I won't let anything happen to you"

"She's here" Brianna said. I looked towards her to see her walking in the bar we were in "okay, I'm gonna go now" Katie said walking towards Jenny. We were sitting far away so she didn't really see us.

I kept carefully watching them as Katie talked. Jenny looked shocked the whole time and just listened to her talking with her mouth slightly opened. But then she said something and Katie answered her then she looked at me, I'm guessing she asked if I was here.

She stood up and walked towards me with Katie following behind her. I stood up and crossed my arms "you kissed my girlfriend?" She said loudly, almost everyone in the bar looked at us "the one that you treat like shit and cheated on? Yes I did" I wasn't going to make myself look bad in front of people.

"Don't cause a scene Jenny. She doesn't want to be with you then just leave. You don't treat her well and you don't put effort into this relationship but I will"

"You're hot" I looked at the girl who said this and smiled "thank you" I said, she smiled and nodded "no problem. Anyways continue, I'm very invested"

Katie came towards me and felt my face which confused me but I let her "you're not hot. Your temperature is good" she said making me laugh "that's not what she meant. It's a compliment, like she called me attractive just using a different word"

"Oh okay" I smiled and kissed the side of her head, wrapping my arm around her waist "hey we're not done here" Jenny said stepping closer to us "yes we are. She broke things off with you, right?" I asked looking at Katie who nodded "yes. I said 'I don't like you and I want to break up' " Katie said.

"Okay then we are officially done here. You two are done" I said looking at Jenny and smiling "you have always wanted to take her away from me. You were jealous of me" I laughed and nodded "I was because you were dating the most amazing woman and I wasn't so yes, I was jealous but I didn't try to break you two up until a few days ago because I was tired of seeing her being treated badly"

"I think everyone here can agree that they look better together" some guy said about me and Katie making the others nod "doing this at a bar was a huge mistake" I heard Lana whisper to me making me laugh "it was"

"Anyways the show is over, thank you everyone" I said then Brianna had to step in "next round is on her" she said pointing to me. My eyes widened "what no no it's not, bitch I barely have money to pay for my apartment. Shut up"

"Okay sorry, next rounds on her!" She yelled pointing at Jenny making me laugh "yep, this is more like it"


"What's that?" I asked sitting next to Katie on the couch. She was at my place since I told her I had to shower and get some assignments done and she said she wanted to spend more time with me so here we are.

"It's my to-do list" I nodded at what she said and wanted to look at the paper but she closed the notebook. I looked at her and laughed "what was that about?" I asked. She hugged the notebook and smiled, shaking her head "you can't read it yet, there are some surprises on there"

"Oh okay, I can't wait" I said kissing her cheek. She giggled cutely making me smile "one more" she said moving her cheek closer to me. I smiled and cupped both sides of her head placing kissed all over her face.

She laid down on the couch as I got on top of her still placing kisses on her face. I would've stopped if I felt like she didn't like it but she was laughing the whole time, it made me so happy that I was the reason she's laughing.

I stopped and pulled myself up, looking down at her. She was still hugging her notebook, she really doesn't want me to see it.

"Can I be honest with you?" She asked after she calmed down. I nodded my head "you're always honest with me so go ahead, pretty girl"

"If it was someone else doing this to me I wouldn't have liked it"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now