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Viviana's POV

I tapped Jenny's shoulder and she turned to look at me. Before she even got to say anything, I held her by her clothes and pinned her against the wall.

"Listen to me bitch.." I made sure to press a little hard. I wanted her to get hurt so she knows to not mess with Katie ever again "..I will fucking end you if you ever get in between Katie and I"

"Why? Did she hate having sex with you because you treated her like trash as I expected?" She asked teasingly, keeping the ugly annoying smirk on her face.

"She hated it because you made her think I would hate her body. Fuck you for doing that and I did as much as I could to make her feel good, something you could never do because Katie will forever be mine. Stop trying to take her from me"

She laughed "that's a little too much don't you think? 'Forever be mine' ? That's kinda creepy" I pulled her back from her clothes and slammed her against the wall again making her groan from the pain in her back.

"No it's not. If she wants to leave me then she can do it, I care about what makes her happy but she's mine. I'm in love with her and she's in love with me. Don't get in between us or I'll make your life a living hell"

"Ooo I'm scared" she said. I smiled "you should be. I don't threaten for fun and I stand with actions over words"

That made her stop acting up. She should be scared. Anyone that's going to get in between me and Katie will get fucked up.

I love that girl with my whole heart.

I pulled back and walked away. My phone buzzed and I took it out of my pocket as I got in my car.

I saw a text from Katie.

My pretty Katie <3

Hi. Can you come over?

Is everything okay?

Yes, everything is okay.
I just want to have sex again
And maybe this time
I won't cry

Baby, I told you what happened
is okay

I know and thank you for
reassuring me but I saw
more pornography videos and
I think you might like them


On my way*
I love you

I laughed at the last text knowing she doesn't like when I say the words shorter. She always corrects me and I want to stop but I just love when she corrects me for some reason. It's cute.

On the other hand. I need to rush there because I need to know what porn videos she's been watching.

You know..for scientific purposes. Nothing else.


"Okay, sit down" I nodded and sat down on the couch and she ran to her room "close your eyes!" I heard her yell. I laughed and closed my eyes "they're closed"

I heard her footsteps getting closer to me and I kept fighting the urge to look "open your eyes" I slowly opened my eyes to see Katie standing in front of me with Lacy panties and bra.

She looks so..breathtaking.

"You amaze me" I said putting my hands on her hips and pulling her closer to me. She laughed and straddled my lap "I got red, your favorite color"

"You know me too well" I wanted to kiss her but she pulled back "you texted me saying that I should buy red Lacy panties and a bra" she said. I frowned not remembering when I said that but she took her phone and showed it to me.

The girl I love (Viv)

Buy red Lacy panties
(Sent 11:34)

And a bra of course
(Sent 11:34)

red is my favorite color
(Sent 11:35)

and if you do buy it
I will bow down and worship
you if I see you in them
(Sent 11:40)

You're such a pretty girl
(Sent 12:00)

I miss you so much
(Sent 12:01)

"I was high, that doesn't count and also I love the contact name but why does it have 'Viv' for clarification for who this contact name is for? Is there another girl you love that I don't know about?" I asked her squinting my eyes.

She shook her head "no. You're the only girl I love" I smiled and nodded, pecking her lips "I know, I'm just playing baby"

"So I saw this thing in pornography.." she got on her knees in front of me and looked at my area, spreading my legs away from each other "..is it okay if I try? I'm not sure if I'll do very good"

"It's okay, do whatever you want" she unzipped my pants and I helped her pull them down a little alongside my boxers.

She wrapped her hand around it and slowly rubbed up and down, focusing a lot on her movement. She had this focused look on her face she always has when she wants to do things perfectly.

"Does this feel good?" She questioned, looking up at me. I nodded and ran my fingers through her hair "yes it does"


After the amazing blow job she gave me, she wanted to have sex again so I laid her down on the couch, kissed all over her body to make sure she feels comfortable then entered her.

I made sure that I was gentle but she asked me to go faster so I did what she wanted.

"Yes daddy" I heard her moan out. I stopped and looked at her "did you just..did you just call me daddy?" I saw her swallow visibly as she kept playing with the golden chain around my neck "yes. I'm sorry if that was weird, I just heard a girl say it in a pornography video"

I slowly moved in and out of her again "no it's fine..I don't mind it. Call me whatever you want" I couldn't care less about what she calls me. Anything she does is hot.

I moved faster and our skins were hitting hardly against each other. She was basically screaming with her head thrown back on the pillow I put under her head to make her feel more comfortable.

"I'm gonna cum" she said. I let out a breathe and kept myself up "shit, me too"

I moaned loudly as I thrusted a few more times, finishing in the condom.

I went a little slower, letting her enjoy her orgasm then pulled out.

I kept holding myself up with my hands, looking down at her trying to catch my breathe. I softly rubbed her stomach with one of my hands.

"How do you..feel?" I was scared and nervous. I wanted to hear a good answer. Not that I didn't make her feel good.

"I feel.." she took a pause and my heart started beating a bit faster. It hurt hearing that she felt dirty after the first time, I don't want to hear it again.

"..really good. I've never felt better"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now