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Viviana's POV

I took a deep breathe and knocked on Katie's door. I bought her some red flowers, I really hope she likes them.

I feel a bit guilty for trying to make Katie like me when she's in a relationship but Jenny isn't treating her right. Maybe I'm being a bad person trying to wreck someone's relationship.

This was a bad idea.

I went away from the door before Katie opened the door and hid behind a wall so she wouldn't see me. After a few seconds I heard the door close again then I felt my phone buzz.

I took my phone and saw texts from Katie.

Katie <3

I opened the door because
I heard someone knock but
no one was there. I
Thought maybe you're just joking
around with me.
Come out silly,
the food is going to get cold

Please forgive me Katie.

Oh yeah I'm still at home,
I can't come over tonight.

But I made us some pasta

I'm sorry, I can't
Call Jenny
maybe she can come over

I wanted to spend time with you
It's okay,
I'll give some to my
neighbor friend

Okay, goodnight <3


I put my head back on the wall, guilt washing all over me. Jenny doesn't deserve her but what if I don't deserve her either?

What if I mess it up with her?

What if I seriously hurt her and never get a second chance?

I'd rather stay only friends with her than be nothing to her.


"You gotta stop being so insecure" Brianna said taking a sip from her drink. Lana nodded agreeing with her "I honestly agree. You're an amazing person and you're smoking hot. You're not like your ex whatsoever" I looked up at Lana at what she said and Brianna looked at her with wide eyes.

"The only person that knows is Katie and..Brianna" I said looking at Brianna who looked down, scratching the back of her neck "okay okay to be fair, she was really drunk and said a lot of things"

"Since when do you guys hang out?" I asked them "we don't. We just saw each other at a party and bonded by shots of tequila" Brianna said and Lana nodded her head "yeah then we started hanging out but she said the whole ex thing when she was drunk and it's fine, I'm here for you V"

I smiled and nodded "just don't say anything to anyone" I said and she nodded "of course I won't"

"Anyways back to your thing, what you did was dumb and I do not support actions like that" Lana said. I looked at Brianna for support but she took another sip from her wine "I don't support either. You need to get out there and start dating again, you can't just think the worse of yourself when all you have been was amazing. Your ex was the bitchy asshole, not you. If you want to treat her right, you will but you won't ever know if you will until you try"

"But she's in a relationship" I said. Lana nodded her head "a relationship she needs to get out of. We all know that, that cute little bean thinks she's in a healthy relationship because it's her first. We need to somehow make her leave the relationship because Jenny is shitty to her and she needs to be treated right"

"I don't want to be a home wrecker" I'm going to feel bad if I do something I've always been against. I feel like a hypocrite if I do that.

"Just make her fall for you when she's in a relationship so she would break up with Jenny and be with you. See, not a home wrecker" Brianna said. I rubbed the bridge of my nose frustratingly "that's exactly what a home wrecker does"

"Okay then be a home wrecker, it's not like you're wrecking a good healthy home. You're saving that innocent girl from a toxic manipulative relationship. She deserves better" Lana said.

"I don't know dude, I just need to go to sleep before I lose my mind"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now