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Viviana's POV

"Why did you hurt her wrist?" I frowned at what I heard Katie say. I turned around and looked at Jenny's wrist to see that it was wrapped with a soft wrapper "she's fucking exaggerating. I didn't hurt her that bad"

I looked back at Katie who was looking around "why did you hurt her wrist?" She asked again "because she held my arm in a really rough way. I wasn't going to let her do that"

"It's your fault" she said to jenny. I smiled and crossed my arms looking at Jenny, tilting my head and seeing her expressions change. She's like a child complaining to their mom but the difference is that she's complaining to Katie so Katie would not be close to me. She's possessive in the most unattractive and weird way.

It's understandable that she's scared someone will take Katie from her. Katie is a very attractive person and she has a lot of amazing traits. She's one of a kind.

"I have to go to my class" she looked at me and waved her hand awkwardly like she always does. It's cute to me "bye" then she looked at Jenny and wanted to wave her hand but didn't then walked away to her class.

"You were the one that hurt me. It's not my fault" she said getting closer to me "I don't give a single fuck. You went to complain to Katie like a fucking kid. If you really took it personally then come talk to me and not to Katie so you would push her away from me"

I smirked and held her chin gently "Just say you're scared the sexy hot woman would steal the girl that you have a crush on" I wanted to annoy her as much as I could and it was working but she was also looking nervous and flustered.

I pulled my hand back as she stayed quiet. I walked away and saw Brianna so I went to sit with her "hey babe" she said taking a sip from her coffee "hey"

We talked for a bit "are you coming today to Carson's place?" She asked me and I nodded "yeah I'll be there" we stayed quiet for a few seconds then she pushed me "invite Katie. She'll probably have fun with us"

"I don't know dude. Everyone there is a bad influence" I said. I didn't want Katie to get affected by a bunch of stoners including me but I don't smoke in front of her for that reason "come on. She's too pure and uses her brain a lot, if she knows it's bad for her then she won't do it"

"Okay, I'll ask her but if she says no then the answer is no and that's final. I don't want her to feel pressured to do anything she doesn't want to do"


"Okay before we go in.." Katie turned to look at me as we stood in front of Carson's door "..if you ever feel comfortable at any time, don't be scared to tell me. We'll leave right away"

"Okay" she answered and I nodded opening the door and walking in "hello people" I greeted everyone as Katie stood behind. She doesn't like physical contact and I made sure to tell them to not try to touch her before I came here.

I went back to Katie and put my hand softly on her back making her snap out of whatever she was thinking of "guys, this is Katie" I removed my hand from her back and introduced her to the everyone. They just waved at her and she waved back at them.

I sat down and looked at Katie. There were a lot of places she can sit in since it's a pretty big place and she likes to stay away from people.

"Hey Viv?" I looked at my friend who called for me and she started telling me about something that happened to her. I felt someone sit next to me, very closely. I took a quick glance at the person to see Katie. I smiled and looked back at my friend feeling Katie move even closer to me making it harder to hide my smile.

"Viviana?" I looked at Katie waiting for her to say what she wants to say "you once told Jenny to not call you Viv so I assumed you didn't like nicknames but your friend just called you Viv" she said. I nodded "i like nicknames but if I'm being honest I don't like Jenny and I don't let people I don't like call me things other than Viviana"

I saw her slightly smile "can I call you Vivi?" She asked sounding a little different than usual, like her tone slightly changed from the emotionless tone to a cute happy tone "yes you can"

"So you like me?" She asked and I nodded "what's not to like about you?" I asked smiling and wanting to make her happy at what I said "my emotionless tone, not getting some jokes, the way I get nervous a lot, when I can't look someone in the eyes-" I stopped her from continuing "I really really really hope no one made you feel bad about any of those things" she looked down and shrugged her shoulders.

"Hey Katie" she looked towards the person who called for her and I kept looking at her. Why would she think of that about herself? I honestly don't see a problem with any of what she said at all.

"What does that mean?" I snapped out of my thoughts "what does what mean?" I asked Katie. She pointed to one of my friends who was laughing with the others "how is she gonna ride a disco stick?"

I laughed a little "listen you know what a...dick is right?" She nodded her head at what I asked "a disco stick is like..a dick because it was said in a song instead of saying the person is gonna ride a dick so that's what Veronica meant"

"Yes and I like riding dicks especially hers" Veronica said pointing at me. I laughed and shook my head "don't even. Happened once and never again"

"You and Veronica had sex?" Katie asked. I nodded at what she asked "but it only happened once and we were both drunk" I said. I feel like I have to explain it to her for some reason "okay"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now