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Viviana's POV

"Okay just a little more milk" I said to Katie and she did as I said "good job. Now let's do the whipped cream" I brought the whipped cream can and gave it to her "can I?" I asked standing behind her, asking for permission to help her.

She nodded and I stood behind her. I held the drink on the table so it doesn't move and put my hand over hers that held the whipped cream can "put a bit of pressure there" she did and I slowly moved her hand.

She giggled when we did the whole thing "it looks very good" I laughed and nodded my head, not backing away yet "it's because you made it, of course it's gonna be good" I said. She shook her head "you did it with me. We made it good"

I backed away and she held the drink. I brought the cover for the cup. I turned to look at her and she was moving the drink to her lips. I took it from her "no no no. We can't do that" I said to her. She frowned "why not?"

"That's not your drink. You can't drink from someone else's cup especially when you're making their drink" I covered it and gave it back to her so she can take it to the customer "but how will I know if it tastes good or not?"

"We'll get zero complaints about it, that's how we know it's good. Now go give it to..Lana" I stood behind her and put my hands on her shoulders as she slowly walked "who's Lana?" She asked. I shrugged "call for the name and whoever is Lana will come get it" the last group of people just left and there is only one costumer left.

"What if someone just wants a free drink?" I laughed and kissed the side of her head "just call the name" I said rubbing her shoulders feeling her tense up a little "Lana" she said a little quietly "louder darling. So they can hear you"

"Can't you do it?" She asked. I smiled and called for Lana. I know it might be a little hard for her to do this, especially this part of the job and I don't want her to feel pressured to do this. Step by step and if she doesn't want to do this, it's okay, I can do it for her.

A tall beautiful girl came towards us "hi" she said politely with a smile on her face "Lana?" I asked her and she nodded "you're such a cute couple" she said. I laughed and shook my head "we're not together. I have a girlfriend" I nodded at what Katie said and my smile slowly died "she has a girlfriend"

 I have a girlfriend" I nodded at what Katie said and my smile slowly died "she has a girlfriend"

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"How do I know you're Lana?" Katie asked. Lana laughed "I can show you my ID" she said. Katie nodded her head and I laughed "you don't have to" I said to Lana. I gently took the drink from Katie's hand and gave it to Lana "can you drink it now?" Katie asked her.

"Okay let's go" I said stepping back and holding her waist wanting to pull her back gently "no I want to see if I did good" she looked down and played with her fingers nervously. I looked at Lana and she smiled at me, taking a straw "it's okay, I can do that" she said.

Katie looked at her as she took a sip from it. She smiled "wow that's like the best drink I had" she looked shocked after she took that sip. She sounded truthful and very genuine about it.

I looked at Katie who slightly smile "see you did good" she nodded at what I said and took her phone out of her pocket "I'm gonna go tell Jenny" then she walked away.

"Hurts huh?" I looked at Lana and laughed "what do you mean?" I asked her nervously "oh come on. I just met you and I know you have a crush on her. I don't know how she doesn't know you have a crush on her"

"It's just.." why not tell this stranger about this since I have nothing to do "..she's very innocent and she's in her first relationship, ever. She seems excited about it but her girlfriend is just..really annoying"

Lana laughed and took a sip from her drink "is it because it's your crush's girlfriend or what?" She asked. I laughed and shook my head "no, she's just genuinely annoying. She doesn't know how to talk to Katie or when she has to consider the fact that Katie doesn't always like physical affection or what she likes to eat or what she likes to do"

"Yeah you're like in love or something" she said. I laughed at what she said and the way she said it "or something?" She nodded at what I asked "yeah. Girl, I've never been in love, it seems very overwhelming so I am not gonna do that"

"I wish I could just make the feelings I have for Katie disappear" I looked at Katie who was talking on the phone. She looked so pretty "I just can't. She's so..pretty, smart and amazing-" I felt someone pull me aggressively by my shirt.

Lana had her face very close to mine "stop simping. You either do better than that Jenny bitch or try to move on. Choose one" she said sternly. She's like really scary "I don't want to ruin her relationship and make her sad-" she let go of my shirt "then you have to move on"

"But how?" I asked her. She laughed "sex. I have sex like..everyday and my life is going great" sex without anything else sounds nice but I want Katie so bad.

"It's like very good, not always but it's good" we stopped talking when Katie came towards us with a small smile on her face "me and Jenny are going on a date. Can I leave now?" Who goes on a date at 11pm?

"Yeah of course. We're already done" we were already done. Lana was the last costumer "oh yeah, me and...her and going on a date too" Lana said confused, not even knowing what my name is.

"Really? You just met and you don't know her name" Katie said. Lana smirked "why? Are you jealous?" I looked at Katie who didn't answer "it's just very odd"

"It's not like a date, it's just sex" I looked at Lana confused but then smiled and looked at Katie acting like this was planned or some shit "why would you have sex with a stranger?" Katie asked.

"For the pleasure" Lana answered quickly then we heard someone walk in. I looked towards the door to see Jenny. She was either waiting outside for Katie to call her and tell her to take her on a date or she was driving by.

"I was close so I thought I'd come pick you up" Jenny said to Katie who went towards her. Jenny smiled and wanted to kiss Katie but she moved away "well that was awkward" Lana said making me laugh "who even are you?" Jenny asked annoyed "no need to get mad" I said to her.

"No one talked to you" Jenny said to me stepping closer to Lana who just laughed at her "what are you gonna do?" Lana asked her. Lana didn't seem like the person to take anything seriously but to be honest I wouldn't take Jenny seriously either.

"Let's go Jenny. It's getting very late" Katie said. Jenny looked at her then back at us "okay, let's go" she held her hand and walked out of the shop.

I started cleaning things up so I can close the shop since my boss left a while ago and wanted me to do it "come on" Lana said. I laughed and looked at her "we're not really gonna go have sex right?" She nodded her head "yes we are gonna go have sex. Are you kidding? I've been waiting for some hot chick to fuck me because I always get people with small dicks"

"Yeah I don't think I'm in the mood for sex" Lana sighed and rested her hands on the counter looking at me. I went towards her and rested my hands on the counter too "okay, I'll give you my number and you promise to call whenever you wanna have sex?" She asked and I nodded "you got my word"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now