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Viviana's POV

"Vivi?" I hummed still looking at my computer. I had an essay I had to do and I have a few hours left to submit it only and I want it to be perfect.

"I think I want to lose my virginity to you" I didn't really think of what she said because I was too focused on writing "we'll talk about that later baby, okay?" I looked at her and put my hand on her waist.

She looked down and nodded "okay"


"I watched pornography yesterday on my lap top so I would know what to do when we have sex" I looked at Katie surprised "really? Why?"

"Because I wanted to do good" I laughed and moved myself to the side, lifting one of my legs and resting it on the couch. I put my hand on her cheek "you know you don't have to do that"

She nodded "I know but I wanted to make you feel pleasured and satisfied" she said. I sighed and wrapped my arm around her shoulder "pretty girl..I appreciate that you did all of that so you can 'satisfy' me but it's okay if you didn't know anything from the first time, I can teach you and help you. It's not a problem at all. I just don't want you to stress about something like that"

I knew she was stressing because her hands were slightly shaking. She was too nervous and I don't want her to be nervous about having sex with me, I can help her if she wants.

"Can I give you a blow job?" She asked. I tilted my head to the side "do you want to?" She shrugged her shoulders "I'm not very sure about what I want but I don't know how to start being sexually active with you"

"You want to be sexually active?" I asked her and she nodded "yes, I think sex is a good thing but I didn't have sex with Jenny because I was scared that I would give my virginity to the wrong person and that was a good decision because I know you're the right person and I want to lose my virginity to you"

I love how she's honest. I'm so glad she thinks that of me and that she feels this safe with me.

This woman is so important to me, I would never dare to hurt her in any way. I don't think I'll ever forgive myself if I do hurt her.

"Would it be okay if I give you a blow job or should I say..head?" She said giggling at the end "it just doesn't make any sense, it's so funny" she added making me laugh.

She's so cute.

"Do you want me to pleasure you though?" I asked her. I wanted her to be the one to feel good. I'm worried that her giving me head would make her nervous and I don't want her to feel like that. I want her to know that I will try my best to make her feel good.

"I want to take it slow and not immediately into sex. I'm still a little nervous" I moved some hair away from her face and nodded "I know pretty girl, I mean I can give you head. Maybe it'll make you feel less nervous if we did that, maybe you'll see how good it feels and you'll feel better"

I don't know what I can do to make her less anxious.

"Does it hurt? Because some people say sex can hurt a little especially if it's the first time and depending on your siz-" I kissed her lips making her stop talking "it might hurt.." I had my face very close to hers "..but I'll try my best to make it as pleasurable as possible but head might not hurt a lot, I'll go slowly and gently but only if you want me to do that, we can wait"

I had my hand on her thigh, rubbing it softly as she played with her fingers that were resting on her lap.

I wanted to make sure she knows that it's okay if she wants to wait and that I care about her. This is all about her, all I care about is making her happy and that's all.


"Is it okay if I stay in my shirt? It's kind of cold" I smiled and nodded my head, kissing her forehead "you're very sure you want to do this right?" I asked her again, for like the fifth time.

"Yes, I'm very sure" i nodded and pecked her lips. I put my hair in a ponytail and got on my knees in front of the bed. I made her sit on the edge of the bed and started unbuttoning her pants while looking up at her, to make sure she's still okay with everything.

She was looking forward with a small smile on her face which made me smile. I looked down at her pants and pulled them down. I took them off completely and pulled her panties down.

Her center was fully visible to me and I looked up at her "can I start now?" She nodded her head and let out a breathe she was holding.

I started rubbing her clit slowly then heard her let out a quiet moan. I looked up at her and she had her mouth slightly opened. I moved my finger down to her very wet folds, wetter than I expected.

I slowly slid my middle finger inside of her making her buck her hips towards me "lay down baby" I said and she did as I said.

I licked her clit and moved my finger in and out of her slowly and not going all the way in. I sucked softly on her clit and her moans got louder.

I pulled back and put my fingers deeper inside of her "does that feel good?" I asked her "yes, it feels so good"

"Good. What do you want me to do now?" I wanted her to tell me what she wants. She needs to learn to say what she wants.

"Can you..go a little faster?" She asked lifting her head off the mattress and looking at me. I smiled and nodded "of course pretty girl"

I put another finger in slowly and went faster, thrusting my fingers in and out of her. Not too fast "faster please" she begged.

I didn't expect her to say that but I'm definitely not complaining at all.

I went faster then started sucking on her clit again. I looked up still not disconnecting my mouth from her clit to see her back hardly arched off the bed and her hands gripping the sheets roughly.

I felt her tightening around my fingers so I kept going. I put my other hand on her stomach and she held it immediately, gripping it roughly "it feels so good" she moaned out.

She bucked her hips towards me as she came on my fingers. Her hand was hardly gripping mine, it was kind of started to hurt but I didn't pull back, maybe she feels more safe if she holds my hand.

I stopped everything and pulled my fingers out of her slowly, licking them clean then licking her area to clean her up. I stood up and looked at her to see her breathing heavily with her head still laying back on the bed.

I laid down next to her and didn't touch her or anything in case she's not in the mood to cuddle or kiss or something but I'll stay here to see what she wants.

"Does 'head' feel that good for you too?" She asked me. I looked at her and smiled, shrugging my shoulders "I know mine feels amazing but I'm not sure if it feels the same for the both of us"

"Do you..want me to give you a blow job?" I really do because I'm so fucking horny but I don't want her to feel pressured to do it so I'll say my regular answer "if you want to"

She looked down and laughed "your boner is very obvious" I looked down to see a print from my pants "yeah that's whatever. I can get rid of it in the bathroom or something.." I stopped talking when I felt her hand being placed on my area from out of my pants.

"..it's like whatever" I said quietly still looking down at her hand moving on me "is this okay?" I looked at her and nodded "yeah it is"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now