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Viviana's POV

I've been waiting for weeks for Katie to talk to me and it's getting really tiring.

Not because we're not having sex or because it's annoying me, not at all. It's just torturing knowing my girl went through something that I'm not able to help her with.

Lana told me to wait for her to say something but maybe I should open the topic. Maybe she's just scared to start the conversation.

"Hey Katie..come here" she got off her desk chair and sat down next to me on the bed "yes?" She said playing with her fingers like always "I think we should to talk about what happened after...we had sex"

She looked down "are you gonna break up with me? I know what I did was embarrassing but please don't break up with me" I actually wanted to cry after hearing what she said.

She's embarrassed because she cried after we had sex, that's why she's not bringing it up.

"What no no, baby no" I moved closer to her and put my hand on top of hers "don't be embarrassed, I'm just worried that something might have happened. Like..a person annoying you in any type of way. If there is someone annoying you, you can tell me"

She stayed quiet for a bit and I kept rubbing my thumb over her knuckles, waiting for her to say whatever she wants to say. I know she was trying to say something.

"It's jenny" anger filled me when I heard that bitch's name. What the fuck did she say to my Katie?

"What did she say?" I asked wanting to still sound soft even if I was mad to the fact that the name that left Katie's mouth in this type of situation was Jenny's.

As much as I hate Jenny, I expected a bit better from her.

"She said that you don't like my body and that no one will make me feel good but she will because no one likes my body other than her. I never had problems being insecure about myself even if someone called me ugly but when Jenny said that you might not like my body, I wanted to changed it so you don't stop liking me"

I can hear my own heart breaking.

"Katie..baby.." I wrapped my arms around her neck and hugged her "..I will love you whatsoever. You're a flawless woman to me and that will never change. Jenny is just fucking with you because she's jealous I have you and she doesn't. I bet everyone that knows you, wishes they had everything you did. This beautiful face, those gorgeous eyes and most importantly your pure kind heart"

I heard her sniff and she looked up at me, her eyes looking down at my neck "you love me?" She asked me. I stopped breathing for a second.

I forgot I said that I love her in the beginning.

I didn't even notice. Oh my god.

"I love you too" my heart fluttered when she said that. I felt so relieved "I always have" she added.

I smiled and her eyes looked into mine. This is the very first time we made eye contact and I've never been more in love with someone in my entire life.

Her eyes looked even more beautiful. They had this sweet look in them. They were beautifully sparkling. They radiate serenity and they are so comforting to look at.

Looking into her eyes felt so unreal in the best possible way. I have never looked into someone's eyes and saw complete love and nothing else.

There was nothing hidden in those beautiful eyes. They didn't hide love, admiration or happiness. It was all so clear you just have to put effort into understanding her.

She might not show a lot of emotions or have different facial expressions but her eyes show all the emotions I need to know.

I hate that Katie heard "you don't show emotions" or "you always look the exact same" a lot in her life. Just because she doesn't show them, doesn't mean they're not there and I don't think people understand that.

I hate that no one showed her that they care so much that they would spend hours trying to understand her but I will. I'll make sure she knows that I will always put effort into things people didn't put effort into.

I will love her, protect her, give her all the love she needs, let her have her personal space and try to know when she wants this or when she wants that in case she was too scared to ask. Especially if it was physical affection.

People make her feel like she's abnormal, that she's a burden and that she's different, that's why she should be treated differently. I fucking hate that because I know it makes her feel sad.

Everytime someone says something like that, her eyes look sad in a way I can't describe. I just know that the look in her eyes, makes me want to punch whoever hurt her.

Her eyes are the windows to her soul. People just don't know that.

She's always so misunderstood.

Sometimes she corrects professors when they say wrong things but Katie is the only one that focuses on everything a person does even if no one tries to focus on her and try to understand what her intentions are.

I know that she corrects professors so they wouldn't pass wrong information to students and so they don't embarrass themselves in front of people who focus on everything someone does.

But the professors think she's just trying to show everyone that's she's better than them.

It breaks my heart when I see people throwing hurtful things at her face acting like she doesn't feel. Katie feels, maybe even more than all of us but she doesn't show them or even talks about them a lot which is why I learned to understand her so I can help her if she was feeling sad and not knowing how to express her feelings.

I want to make sure that she has someone that loves her hard enough to understand what she does and what she struggles with, without her having to explain it.

"You have gorgeous eyes my love" I caressed her cheek softly. I didn't even want to kiss her because I didn't want the moment of her looking into my eyes to end. I really hope this is not the first and last time she does this.

But she looked away after a bit because she got shy.

I smiled and kissed her "I'm really happy with you" she said putting her head in the crook of my neck. I smiled and kissed the side of her head "I am too"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now