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Viviana's POV

"Hello Viviana" I looked to my side to see Katie waiting for her drink. I smiled "hey Katie. Your drink is..." I took the receipt "..One grande white ice mocha without caramel, is that right?"

I asked her and she nodded her head "yes but I asked her for something else that I didn't hear you say" she said. I smiled and nodded "tell me, I'll make whatever you like"

"I want it to have a little less coffee than the usual and less ice, I don't want the cream to be over the top either and I want an extra spoon of sugar please" she said and I nodded taking a grande size cup "yes ma'am"

"Thank you" I started making her what she wanted and took a quick glance at her. She was playing with her fingers while they were interlocked as always and she had the headphones Jenny got her on her neck.

"How do you like those new headphones?" I asked her as I continued making what she wanted "they are okay. They don't have good noise canceling. I can still hear people talking"

Should I give her the ones I bought for her? No, she might think I bought her headphones because I wanted to compete with Jenny since I saw her give her the headphones.

I finished making the drink and put it in front of her, giving her a straw "try it and tell me if you like it" I rested my elbows on the table and looked at her as she carefully unwrapped the straw and placed it in the cup.

She took a sip from it and smiled slightly "it tastes just like I want it to taste like. Thank you" I smiled and nodded my head "anything for you"

"Lopez?!" I stood straight up and looked at the person who called me "get back to work" I nodded my head at what my boss said "yeah yeah"

I turned to look at Katie but she was already gone. I sighed and wanted to see the other orders that I should make "I am very sorry" I looked to my side to see Katie holding her drink with both hands "for what?" I asked her "for leaving without saying goodbye. I came back to say it to you"

I laughed and looked down at the drink I was making "you don't need to apologize" I finished making the drink and called the name that was written on it making Katie put her hand over her ear as the other kept holding the drink "I'm sorry, it's kind of my job" I said. She shook her head and scratched the back of her neck "it's okay-" I leaned in and held her wrist "don't do that, look" she looked down at her fingers that had a little blood on them.

"I can't help it" she said pulling her wrist back and clenching her fists nervously "hey it's okay, it's okay. I just don't want you to hurt yourself. Last time when that guy..did something it started bleeding. I don't want that to happen to you again"

"Okay" she said nodding her head "goodbye" then she left. Fuck why did I do that?


"Hey Katie?" She turned around and waved her hand at me then started playing with her fingers again "hi Viviana"

"I'm sorry about what happened at Starbucks. I know you can't control it and what I did and said was messed up. I apologize for what I did" I felt really bad because I know that she can't help doing things sometimes.

"It's okay. I forgive you" she turned around and walked towards her class. I smiled as I saw her walk through the door.

"What's up with you?" I looked to my side to see Jenny. I rolled my eyes and walked away but she held my arm and turned me around roughly "who the fuck do you think you are?!" I said angrily. I held her wrist and tightened my grip around it making her remove it and stop from holding my arm.

She put her hand over her wrist "you're always so fucking mad" I stepped closer to her and looked down at her "you fucking trigger me in every way possible. Stay out of my way and I stay out of yours"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now