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Viviana's POV

I answered the call I got from Lana and connected it to my car "what's up?" I said stopping at a red light and taking a sip from my drink.

"This is like an emergency call because well..Katie is crying and-" that was enough for me to drive as fast as I can. I'll pay for all the tickets but my girl's tears are more important. I'd fuck up whoever made her cry.

I parked my car outside of Lana's apartment and ran to her door. I knocked hardly on it and Lana immediately opened "bitch you scared the fuck out of me. I thought you died or some shit"

I walked past her and looked at Katie who was sitting on the couch with her knees up to her chest.

I went towards her and wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly "it's okay baby, I'm right here" I can ask her why she's crying after she calms down.

"She's been crying for a while but we didn't know why. We tried to comfort her but she kept saying she wants you" I looked down at Katie who was sobbing, like full on sobbing.

I kissed the top of her head and she pulled back from the hug after she calmed down. I cupped her face and kissed her lips "talk to me pretty girl, tell me what's wrong"

"It hurts here" she said pointing to her heart "why baby?" I was worried but I didn't know if she meant that it hurts like full on pain or mental pain that makes her heart hurt.

Both of them are bad.

"A girl came up to me.." she tried to speak since she was still crying a little "..she said her name is Selena and she said you don't love me and that you love her. She said you told her that you're just using me and that you're gonna break up with me because I'm not good enough for you"

I looked at Brianna after hearing the name and she looked at me shocked. I looked back at Katie "I will never break up with you and I mean it. That girl, she's my ex and she hurt me really badly. She would do anything to ruin my life and you're my life. She knows that if she hurt you, it would be the end of me"

Her eyes softened and her shoulders relaxed. I smiled and rubbed her cheek softly, wiping away her precious tears.

"I'm in love with you Katie, too in love to ever consider to leave you for anyone else" I leaned in and placed my lips on hers for a soft gentle kiss and put my hand on her waist but I heard her groan.

I pulled back from the kiss and looked into her eyes with a frown. I looked down at her stomach and lifted her shirt up a little, seeing a bruise on her stomach.

"Baby oh my god.." I rubbed my hand over the bruise gently. It was purple and it looked bad.

"..did she do this to you?" I asked looking back at her. She slowly nodded. I sighed and kissed the side of her head "you weren't gonna tell me, were you?"

"No because you said scars look cool and you have really cool scars" I shook my head and rubbed her stomach softly "sometimes they are but this is not acceptable at all. It's not about you getting a scar or something, it's about someone hurting you. It's all my fault..I knew I should've left you alone, I knew something bad would happen if I date you"

I blame myself for everything. I don't blame anyone but myself.

This was one of the reasons I didn't want to date Katie. I didn't want her to get involved into something like this and get hurt.

I shouldn't have dated her. Even if I am in love with her.

It's not about me being in love, it's about her being safe.

But it's too late now. She's my girl and I would do anything to keep her safe and happy and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

"No it's okay, I don't want you to regret dating me" she had this hurt look on her face. I didn't mean it that way.

"I don't regret dating you. It feels so good to be with you, really good but I just want you to be safe. I knew something would happen, I have a psycho ex. I don't know what else I expected"

I looked back at Katie and put my hand on the back of her neck "but I'm not going anywhere. I'm gonna stay here with you. I'm just mad at myself for even letting this happen"

She moved a little closer to me and placed her head on my chest "don't be mad, I'm okay. I was just worried you were gonna break up with me" I smiled and kept my arm wrapped around her shoulder.

I kissed her head "I love you"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now