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Viviana's POV

I started unbuttoning my pants and pulled it down a little. I looked at Katie who put her panties on and took her shirt off.

She has..a beautiful body.

Why do I feel guilty even thinking of that? Because I'm thinking of very unholy things from how horny I am. I'm painfully horny.

"The things I can do to you..god" I said quietly, kissing her lips. She let out a small laugh and kept making out with me. I put my hands on her hips and made her straddle my lap.

Her fingers ran through my hair and she pulled it gently, still kissing me.


I'm extremely turned on.

Then..what she did made me very grateful for the porn she watched.

She started moving her hips on my area. I backed away from the kiss and looked at her as she tilted her head up, her eyes not meeting mine.

I moved my hands on the side of her body, feeling her back arched as she kept grinding on me. I kept looking at her face as she looked up, she looks so beautiful.

"I want to have sex now" she said. I frowned as I kept rubbing my hand on her back "what do you mean?" I knew exactly what she meant but she said she wanted to take it slow a few days ago. I expected to wait more.

"I want to have sex with you now. I really want to" I was leaning back on the headboard so I sat up and wrapped my arms around her waist "are you sure? I know it's a big deal to you. If you don't want to, we can wait"

She shook her head "I really want to. I trust you and what you did to me felt really good" she said giggling a little and looking down. I smiled and put one of my hands on her cheek "okay baby, only if you're sure"

"I am" I nodded my head as she got off my lap. She started taking her bra off but she had a problem with it so I stood up and held her waist with my left hand. I unclipped her bra with my other hand and a blush formed on her cheeks "thank you"

"Of course baby" her bra fell off her chest leaving her very exposed to me. I couldn't help but admire the woman standing in front of me. Katie is truly beautiful.

She wrapped her arms around herself and I looked at her to see her looking down "what's wrong?" She shrugged her shoulders "you were staring, I assumed I didn't look pretty because you looked for a long time" only if she knows how I see her in my eyes.

"No, not at all.." I held her arms and made her unwrap them from around herself. I put my hand on her waist and pulled her closer to me "..you're flawless and perfect. You never look 'not pretty'."

I saw a smile form on her beautiful lips "really?" I smiled and kissed her cheek "really"

She wasted no time and took her panties off. She laid down on the bed and waited for me. I really do want to know what kind of porn she watched.

I took my boxers off staying in my sports bra. I got on top of her and connected my lips with hers. I was holding myself up by resting my hands on both sides of her head and she had her hands resting on the side of my body.

I moved one of my hands to my dick and started rubbing it slowly. I pulled back from the kiss and looked at her, her eyes looking at my neck, trying to avoid eye contact.

"You can still stop me if you want" I said. I really was worried that she would regret giving me her virginity, it would really hurt me if she did regret it.

"I know. Please keep going" I nodded and looked down at her center as I kept rubbing myself slowly. I pressed the tip against her clit softly "you can stop me at anytime okay?" I reached out for the drawer and took a condom.

She nodded her head as I started putting the condom on "okay" I smiled and got back on top of her. I kissed her lips then her cheeks, moving down to her neck and kissing it softly.

I wanted her to feel as safe and comfortable as possible. I was moving my hand all over her body and she was stiff and tense. It makes sense because it's her first time but I won't do anything before I make sure that my pretty girl is comfortable.

I kissed down to her chest, kissing around her boobs and feeling her body slowly relax. I smiled and looked up at her "you ready pretty girl?" I went back to her face and she nodded "if you want me to stop at any point just tell me"

"Okay" I pulled myself up and made her spread her legs. I slowly pushed myself inside of her, making sure to not hurt her and give her time to adjust.

"Can I keep going?" I asked her and she nodded, closing her eyes roughly and gripping the sheets. I took one of her hands and interlocked my fingers with hers, trying to make her relax since she got tense again when I entered her.

I went deeper inside of her and she moaned in pain "it hurts" she said and I nodded "I know, just give it a little time" I just slowly moved on that depth. I was really horny like I said, I need anything.

"Does it feel better now?" I asked rubbing my thumb over her knuckles. She nodded "it does" I went a bit deeper and started moving in and out of her.

I was trying to make sure that she's okay. I knew if she was feeling any pain she would say she is since honestly is her thing and I'm glad it is. I like not being lied to.

"Good job, you're doing amazing" I saw a small smile form on her lips as she gripped my hand tighter "thank you" she said out of breathe.

"Of course. I'm here to make you feel good.." I brought her hands up to my lips as I slightly leaned down. I placed small soft kisses on her hand "..you're such a pretty woman"

Her body relaxed and her grip wasn't that tight around my hand anymore. I smiled at that. That's all I wanted, to make her relax and comfortable while we were having sex.

I started moving faster. The bed was moving as my thrusts got harder. Her moans were getting louder as she arched her back.

I tilted my head back with a smile of satisfaction on my face. I was feeling relieved because i was too horny and I am feeling too good right now.

"I think I'm gonna have an orgasm again" she said. It was weird hearing it being put like that but I couldn't care less about how she sounded weird sometimes, I'm too in love with her.

Yes. In love.

"Okay baby.." she pulled her hand away from mine and I wanted to pull away because I was worried she wanted to stop because she got too uncomfortable but what she did got me so off guard.

She moved her hand up her naked body to her breasts. She gripped one of her boobs as she tilted her head back, moaning loudly.

Those porn videos man. A blessing.

Everything she was doing was throwing me on the edge. The boob grabbing, the back arching, the loud moaning and her body moving with my thrusts.

I'm so glad I'm wearing a condom. I don't think my pull out game would help me with this one.

She started tightening hardly around me as she came all over me and I couldn't take it anymore.

I rested both of my hands next to her head and thrusted a bit harder than I was. I stopped and moaned, feeling myself finishing in the condom.

I opened my eyes to see her looking at me but immediately looking anywhere else when we locked eyes for a split second.

I slowly pulled out of her then laid down next to her. We were both trying to catch our breathe.

I took the condom off and threw it in the trash. I looked at her to see her moving uncomfortably around. She wrapped her arms around herself and closed her legs tightly so I took a blanket and covered her with it assuming she was uncomfortable being naked like that.

"So..how do you feel?" I asked hoping I would hear something really good.

"I feel.." I smiled waiting for her to say something "..dirty"

That for some reason broke me into pieces.

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now