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Viviana's POV

I looked at Katie who sat up quickly and looked around the place "where am I?" She asked freaking out not even noticing me from how much she was panicking.

I stood up and sat next to her "it's okay, I'm here" she looked at me and hugged me "where are we?" She asked into the hug. I smiled and hugged back "at Lana's apartment" Lana walked out of her room in her bra and sweatpants "yep my place"

Katie looked at her and just snuggled more into me. I'm liking this too much, I love how she doesn't mind affection when she's with me.

"Hey.." Lana said crouching in front of Katie and smiling at her "..it's just me, your new friend" she said. Katie backed away and sat up, looking at Lana who was still smiling at her trying to make her feel more safe "hi" Katie said quietly looking down.

"Hey. What do you want to eat?" Lana asked her. I looked at Katie and put my hand on her back and rubbed it softly "we can get you something to eat, or make anything" I said. She looked at me "can we go to McDonald's?" She asked and I nodded "of course we can"


"What a coincidence" I looked to my side to see Jenny. She looked at Katie "where the fuck were you? I kept calling you and you didn't answer-" I stood in front of Katie and pushed Jenny back hardly making her back hit the wall behind her.

I went towards her and held her by her shirt, pinning her against the wall "don't raise your fucking voice at her ever again. You left her and I had to make sure she was okay. I swear to fucking god if I hear that you fucked up that badly again, I will end you. Treat her right or I will"

"What? Cat bit your tongue? Not so tough now huh?" She looked scared. I'm glad she is "is what I said understood?" She nodded her head slowly "good" I let go of her shirt and went back to Katie and Lana.

"Is she okay?" Katie asked me. I sighed and nodded "she's okay" then Katie went towards Jenny to check on her.

"You did the right thing babe but she's still her girlfriend, she's gonna be worried about her" Lana said wrapping her arm around my shoulder. I nodded "I know"

Lana turned me around and made me look at her "let's forget about the move on thing. You're gonna get your girl one way or another" I gave her a confused look at the sudden switch up "what changed?"

She turned me around and made me look at Jenny and Katie. Katie was talking to Jenny who was paying zero attention to her "this Jen bitch isn't treating her right. I might have known Katie for a few days but right now, her happiness is my top priority. She's like a little sister to me and I know you'll make her happy and you'll treat her right"

"That was so cute" i said about what she just said. I turned to look at her and Lana had tears in her eyes. I frowned and put my hands on her shoulders "what's wrong? What happened?" She sniffed and shook her head "nothing" she smiled and wiped the single tear that rolled down her cheek "let's get some food"


"Goodnight" Katie said getting out of the car. I smiled "goodnight" she closed the door and walked towards her apartment. I waited until she got in her apartment then drove back to Lana's place.

She was so upset. I wanted to know why and what made her upset. Even if she acted like she was okay for the rest of the day, she wasn't the same Lana that made jokes about almost everything, she was a bit more quiet too.

I parked my car and got out. I went to her apartment and knocked on the door. She opened it "what are you doing here? I thought you were dropping Katie at her apartment then going back to yours" she said.

"You know I couldn't leave you knowing you're upset" her smile died and she looked down. I stepped closer to her and hugged her "I'm here for you L"

She started crying quietly and tightened her grip around my waist. I pulled back after a bit and looked down at her. I smiled softly and put my hands on her cheek, wiping her tears "wanna talk about it?"

She nodded her head and pulled back from the hug. I stepped in her apartment and she closed the door, I waited for her to sit down then sat down next to her.

"My little sister was autistic" she said. I frowned and moved closer to her "she passed away almost a year ago from a heart disease she had. Katie reminds me so much of her and I.." she started tearing up "..I want Katie to be happy because I wasn't able to make Olivia happy, nothing made her happy. She was in pain most of her life and when she started being happy, we lost her"

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and rubbed it gently "she was just 15. I feel like I barely made her happy, I feel like I didn't put effort into it and I feel guilty about it. I thought that maybe making Katie happy would make me feel less guilt. I know it doesn't make any sense, I'm sorry"

I hugged her after she started sobbing "no don't apologize, it makes sense. It's okay" I felt so bad.

I kissed the side of her head and waited for her to calm down. She backed away after a few minutes and sniffed, standing up "okay what's the plan of getting you and Katie together?" She said looking at me "are you sure you're okay?" I asked her.

"This is my way of coping so shut up" she said. I laughed and nodded "okay then"

"You didn't answer my question. What's the plan?" She asked again. I shrugged my shoulders "you can't force a relationship. If it wants to happen, it will"

She groaned and sat down next to me "I hate that you're right" she said putting her head back on the couch. I sighed and put my head back too "I hate that I'm right too"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now