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(Tw:sexual assault)

Katie's POV

Jenny parked in front of the house that had the party and I got out of the car. I was wearing some black sweatpants and a shirt like I always do because I feel very comfortable in them.

"Come on" she wrapped her arm around my shoulder which I did not like at all. I just wanted her to stop touching me without any warning or even asking to touch me. It was getting annoying.

We walked in and went to the backyard because it was very loud inside of the house. I put my headphones on and looked around the place while playing with my fingers nervously. Doing that is very normal to me because I'm always anxious around people even around my grandparents sometimes.

"I'm gonna go get myself a drink" Jenny said and I nodded and put my headphones on again. I went to stand a little away from the people kissing.

Some guy came towards me and started talking but I couldn't hear him because of my headphones. He took them from me "hey hot stuff" he said. I swallowed hardly and tried to reach for my headphones but he didn't let me take them.

He started touching me so I kept backing away and telling him to stop "stop stop stop!" I yelled loudly and kept repeating it. I was so anxious and scared.

Everyone's attention was on us now and I started scratching the back of my neck hardly that I started feeling blood on it "you're fucking crazy" he threw the headphones on the floor breaking them and I kept yelling and yelling at him.

I felt someone wrap their arms around me from behind but this touch did not make me feel uncomfortable which made me know that it wasn't Jenny.

I didn't stop yelling "hey it's okay, you're okay, you're safe with me" I heard Viviana whisper into my ear. She started moving slowly with me in between her arms as she kept whispering "everything is gonna be okay" in my ear which made me relax a bit.

I stopped scratching my neck "deep breathes hermosa" she whispered. I took a deep breathe as she did the same so I can copy her "good job" I took a few more slow and deep breathes until I calmed down.

She turned me around and smiled "you're okay" she said pulling her hands away from my waist. I moved closer to her and put my head on her chest not wrapping my arms around her and just keeping my hands up to my chest.

She wrapped her arms around me and I closed my eyes "let's go back to my place because your neck is bleeding, okay?" I nodded my head and pulled back from the hug.

I haven't hugged anyone in years and when they hug me it's always them doing it first not me. I know I didn't technically hug her but it felt nice.


I put my hair into a ponytail and I felt something sting on my neck "I'm sorry" she said stopping what she was doing "it's okay" I said.

She continued doing what she was doing which hurt a little but she stopped whenever I told her to. She covered the back of my neck so it would heal and not get infected because it's not covered.

"You don't like hugs" she said out of no where. I looked at her as she went towards the bathroom to wash her hands "yes I don't" I confirmed what she said because it sounded like it wasn't a question, she seemed very confident about it.

"Why did you let me hug you then?" She asked coming towards me and sitting down on the bed next to me "it felt right" she smiled at what I said "does that mean I'm a very special person?" She asked. I shook my head "no" she laughed and nodded "I love the honesty"

"What about my headphones? He broke them" I said. Viviana rested back on her hands and one of them was behind my back but not touching me "I'll buy you better than those, don't worry about it"

My phone started ringing and I answered it "where are you?!" I heard Jenny yell "I'm at Viviana's apartment. A guy sexually assaulted me" it probably sounds like it didn't affect me because my tone does not change but it's not an easy thing to go through, it's just kind of hard to show how I feel.

"Oh god I'm sorry" she said. She sounded like she felt bad but I didn't know what to say "do you want me to come pick you up?" She asked, I shook my head "no thank you, Viviana will be taking me back home"

I hung up and stood up "let's go" Viviana said standing up and taking her car keys "you can stay the night if you want" I shook my head at what she said "I am not very comfortable sleeping somewhere else. I like being in my bed"

"Whatever you feel comfortable with Katie"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now