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Viviana's POV

I woke up when I heard someone ringing the bell to my apartment. I groaned and got out of bed still in my bra and sweatpants as I made my way to the door.

I opened the door "what- Katie what are you doing here?" I asked seeing her standing nervously in front of me "I'm scared" she said playing with her fingers nervously but more aggressively than usual.

"Come in" I moved to the side and let her walk in. She looked around like she was looking for someone. I closed the door and held her waist gently for a split second so she would look at me but it made her flinch "what's wrong Katie?" I asked her. She looked so terrified and scared.

"I had a nightmare that my dad came to me. I don't want him to come here" I frowned my eyebrows and wanted to hug her but I didn't know what would make her comfortable and what wouldn't. I didn't know how to comfort her.

"Do you want a hug?" I asked her. She shook her head and laid down on the couch, hugging a pillow "I just want to stay here if that's okay" she said and I nodded my head "of course you can"

I went to get an extra blanket and went back to the living room to see her already asleep. I covered her with the blanket and wanted to go back to my room "please stay" I looked at her and saw her looking up at me with pleading eyes.

I went back to her and sat close to her. She fell back asleep and I rested my head back on the wall, my eyes slowly closing but I wanted to stay awake for a little longer to make sure she doesn't have a nightmare and has someone to comfort her if she does have one.

I looked at her and smiled as her back faced me. I gently rubbed her back "you're safe with me Katie"


I lifted my head off the wall and rubbed my eyes. I looked down to see Katie with her head on my lap and she had the blanket up to her neck. She was still asleep.

I smiled and slowly played with her hair. I really want this moment to last for a long time.

I have to admit, I have slight feelings for Katie but you can't blame me. She's very attractive, charming, hot, adorable and pretty all at once. Some people might think she's 'emotionless' or 'boring' or things like that but they just need to understand her and spend more time with her.

She's amazing.

I just wish I have never met Selena. If I wasn't so fucked up from what she did to me, I would've done anything I could just to make Katie mine but I'm scared that I'll hurt her. I'm scared that if I do hurt her, she wouldn't even want to be my friend.

I can't imagine losing Katie. She's a part of my daily routine now. Not seeing her for a whole day means me just waiting for tomorrow to see her.

"Good morning" I pulled my hand back from her hair hoping I didn't do something she didn't like but she turned to look at my hand and held it, putting it on her head again so I started playing with her hair again.

"Good morning" she just stayed there. I thought that she probably moved when she was asleep and somehow made me the luckiest woman on earth that had a gorgeous woman laying her head on her lap but she didn't move.

I didn't want her to move either. I really like how she's getting to make more physical contact with me and only me.

"Are you hungry?" I asked her and she nodded her head. As much as I wanted to stay like this as long as I can, this moment had to end eventually.

Just a little longer.

She sat up and I sighed, already hating how I didn't feel her head on my lap anymore. I looked at her and still had the blanket up to her neck "still scared?" I asked her turning my body towards her. She nodded "a little"

"You're okay with me. I'm right her"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now