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Viviana's POV

"Let's take her to the movies" Lana suggested. I shook my head "too loud for her, she's not gonna like it"

"Carnival?" She asked. She wanted me, Katie and her to go out alone, without Jenny "maybe she'll enjoy that, if she had her headphones on she won't get too overwhelmed from the voices" I said.

"Then call her, what are you waiting for?!"


"Hi" I smiled as Katie got in the front seat. Lana sat in the back, she wanted me to get closer to Katie "hi Vivi, hi Lana" I noticed that she didn't have her headphones "where are your headphones? You might need them"

"They broke" I looked at Lana and she smiled, nodding her head "I.." I cleared my throat and tried to get less nervous than I am "..I bought you headphones" I said. She was looking at my neck and she smiled "how did you know that mine would break?"

I didn't want to tell her that I got them with Jenny. As much as I hate Jenny, I didn't want her to look that bad in front of Katie. She bought cheap ones and Katie seemed to like them a lot, I think she just really appreciated that Jenny bought her something.

"I'm a psychic" I whispered moving my face closer to hers. She giggled shyly and lifted her shoulders up, tilting her head to the side cutely "but that's not real. People say they're psychic to take money from people" she said smiling and looking at my neck.

I laughed at how she didn't get the joke but was still shy about me buying her that. She's so cute.

I looked at Lana and she took the box, giving it to me. I forgot it in the car and I'm very glad I did.

I gave her the box that I didn't even open because I wanted her to have it and have the whole enjoyment of opening a new thing.

She opened it and looked down at it. I smiled and kept looking at her looking happier than I have ever seen her. It's so beautiful seeing her so happy. She's so beautiful.

She put them on "talk" she said loudly. I laughed "Jenny is a bitch" I said. She laughed and clapped "I can't hear you" she basically yelled making me and Lana laugh. She took them off and put them around her neck "what did you say when I had the headphones on?"

"Just that you're very beautiful" I said. She blushed and looked in front of her "thank you"


I looked at Katie who looked around the place. We got to the carnival and it looked pretty wholesome and Katie looked so happy, it made me happy.

I put my hand on her waist making her look at me. I removed the headphones from her ears so she can hear me "what do you wanna do?" I asked her. Lana rolled her eyes "why didn't you ask me what I wanna do?" Lana asked. I looked at her "fuck you"

"Can we play that one? With the gun?" She asked and I nodded. She held my hand which was shocking to me but she pulled me away and gave me no time to process what was happening.

We stopped in front of the game and I payed the guy so we can play "how?" She asked holding the gun. I put her headphones on her neck so she could hear me "I'll help you with the first one and you keep doing the rest, okay?"

She nodded her head and I stood behind her "can I um hold you?" I asked and she nodded. I was nervous, I don't know why but I felt the need to ask her for permission to hold her waist.

I held her waist gently and made her stand in a good position so she can shoot easily. I held the back of her hand and made her lift her hand up to point the gun at the target "look in there and try to shoot in the middle or at least close to it"

I pulled back and put the headphones on for her. She shot once and got it very close to the middle of the target. She smiled and looked at me "good job" I said to her "again?" She asked and I nodded, laughing a little.

She shot again. The gun wasn't even loud, it literally shot small darts but Katie is just going to get annoyed from all the noises of people talking, it's annoying me to be honest.

"I want the bunny" she said putting her headphones around her neck after she finished playing but the guy shook his head "you gotta get three shots in the middle"

She frowned and her small cute smile died. I couldn't see her sad. Seeing her being this happy made me happy. Lana wrapped her arm around her shoulder "let's go play something else" she said not wanting Katie to stay sad.

"Let me get another round" I paid him and took the gun. I missed the center once but got four in the middle. I didn't even know I would do this good.

Katie reminded me of my sister. She loved stuffed animals and literally had more than like 20 different stuffed animals. I was never attached to a teddy bear or any kind of stuffed animal, I honestly wanted to have that because my now 16 year old sister always had this cute connection with her teddy bear and she talked to him a lot, I used to hear her when we slept in the same room.

It was cute.

"I'll take the bunny" I said to him, he nodded and gave it to me "but you can get any of those small things because you got another one in the middle" I nodded and looked down at them.

There was a small brooch that was on a shape of a heart so I took it and put it on the bunny. I went to look for them and saw Lana sitting down in front of Katie who was giving me her back.

I smiled and went behind Katie, putting the bunny in front of her. She took her headphones off and turned to look at me "you won it for me?" She asked and I nodded, smiling at how her eyes lit up.

Only if she would look me in the eyes.

She took it from me and I sat down next to her "is it a girl?" She asked. I laughed "the little bunny can be whatever you want it to be, pretty girl" she looked at it again "I have a boy bunny back home and he needs a girlfriend. I'm gonna call her, buttons" she said. I smiled and looked at the bunny "what's your boy bunny called?" I asked her "his name is snoopy"

"When am I gonna meet snoopy?" I asked her. She shrugged "maybe tomorrow, I have nothing to do if you wanna come over tomorrow" I did not expect her to say that at all. I mean I was trying to hint that I want to hang out more but I didn't think it would happen that fast.

"Yeah of course- I mean sure whatever" I looked at Lana and she shook her head disappointedly at me, covering her face with her hands.

"Can we go get something to eat now?" I nodded at what Katie asked "of course, pretty girl. Anything you want"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now