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Viviana's POV

I walked out of my shower and went to the living room to check on Katie. She started coming over a lot and I'm not complaining at all, she's amazing company even if she does most of the things alone. I just like seeing her pretty face.

I saw her focused on something on the tv. I looked towards it but I didn't seem to know what she was watching.

"What are you watching?" I asked her, keeping the towel over my shoulders as I wore a sports bra and grey sweatpants "the theory of everything. It's one of my favorite movies" I nodded and looked back at the tv.

She was half way through in the movie. There weren't any explosions, guns or anyone jumping from a building to another. No shit I didn't watch this movie.

"What is it about?" I asked her "it's about Stephen Hawking and his theories" she said. She seemed like she liked talking about what she likes so I'm going to continue asking questions.

"what's so interesting about him then?" She paused the movie and looked at me with a smile on her face "he was a student and he was working on some of his researches then he discovered that he suffers from something called Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis which is a disease that paralyzed his whole body. He wasn't able to move a muscle or even talk.." I smiled as she continued talking about the movie and about him.

She sounded a little happier than usual after I asked her about something she likes. I like seeing her tone changing when she's with me or when she gives me that slight smile.

"Do you want to continue watching it with me? I have watched it two times before this one and I would like if someone gives me company while watching" I smiled and got comfortable next to her, leaving a little space between us.

I removed the towel and put it next to me. I tried to focus because it got a little confusing "what does that mean?" She explained it to me and I nodded my head after I understood.

After a few minutes I felt her head on my shoulder. I smiled and looked down at her as her eyes slowly closed "can I sleep with my head on your shoulder?" She asked and I nodded "yeah you can"

I placed my hand on her thigh and slowly rubbed it. I wasn't putting pressure in case she got uncomfortable and I know if she did she will remove my hand or tell me to remove it so I waited for a bit to see what she wants to do.

But she didn't do anything. She stayed still with her head on my shoulder.


"Hey" I said sitting down next to Katie as Jenny was on her other side "hi" Katie said back to me. Jenny is back to being a bitch to me. I guess the guilt didn't stick with her.

"Is your phone connected to your headphones?" I asked her. She shook her head "no. I don't connect my headphones to anything. I just let them cancel the noises around me" she said "so you don't listen to music?"

"No. It's very loud for me" I looked at the guitar in the corner of the room and grabbed it, sitting next to her again "let me play you something quiet, maybe you'll like it"

"She said she doesn't like music" Jenny said with jealousy and anger clear in her voice "and I didn't talk to you.." I said glaring at her. I looked back at Katie and smiled "..may I play you something?"

She nodded her head and the first song that came to mind was sparks by Coldplay. It's such a good song and I think Katie will like it considering it's not loud.

I started playing the chords. Katie moved closer to me and I looked at her, seeing her focusing on my fingers that I kept changing the placements of for the chords.

"Did I drive you? I know what you'll say. You say 'oh..sing one you know' " I sang smiling while still looking at how focused she was on my fingers playing on the guitar "but I promise you this. I'll always look out for you. Yeah, that's what I do"

I kind of meant it for Katie. Even if we never get together, I want her to know that I'm always here to comfort her when she has another nightmare or when she breaks up with someone and wants someone to be next to her or when she wants someone to cuddle and hug her.

"I say oh...I say oh" I sang and took a quick glance at Jenny who was looking at us "my heart is yours.." I sang putting my attention back at Katie who looked at my neck "..it's what I hold on to"

I finished singing and stopped playing the guitar. Katie smiled and started clapping awkwardly making me laugh at how cute she looks "you have a very good voice and you're very good in using your fingers" oh?

"Thank you. Did you like the song?" I said biting my lip anxiously "yes I liked it a lot. Are there any more songs like that?"

I smiled and nodded "of course. I'll make you a playlist and I'll send it to you"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now