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Viviana's POV

"There is literally nothing here. What am I looking for exactly?!" Lana told me to go get her something from some place close to her apartment. I looked at her as she stood next to the door waiting for me "never mind, Bri found it!"

I rolled my eyes and went back towards her. She went back in and I stepped in to see Briana and Katie holding a bucket. I closed my eyes as they threw cold water on me.

"Oh my god it's so cold" I said wiping some of the water off my eyes. I took my shirt off "take your pants off! Take your pants off!" Brianna and Lana cheered together. They really are made for each other.

"No that's inappropriate" Katie said. I laughed and stepped closer to Katie "give me a hug Katie" I said putting my arms out for her. She shook her head "you're wet" she said, I laughed "that's what she said"

I hugged her tightly "no no" I laughed and stopped hugging her "can we go take a shower together?" My eyes widened at her request. I did not expect her to ask that at all.

"What? Is it weird that I asked that? I'm sorry" she said looking down. I shook my head and wrapped my arm around her shoulder "no it's fine but you're like sure? You do understand we're gonna have to be naked in front of each other..for the first time ever. I don't want you to be uncomfortable"

"I am not uncomfortable. I like being around you" I smiled at what she said and kissed the side of her head "let's go back to my apartment then, okay?" She nodded her head and I took her hand in mine.

We went outside and got into my car. I took my the hoodie I had in my backseat and gave it to her "here, put it on so you don't get cold"


"You still sure right?" I asked her. She nodded "yes, I'm very sure. I know couples have showers together but I don't want to have sex yet if that's okay with you" I didn't want her to think that I'm in this relationship for sex or that she has to do something she doesn't want to do for me.

"Of course it's okay, I'll wait as long as you want. We're just gonna take a shower and go watch your favorite movie" I said cupping her face "the theory of everything?" She asked and I smiled seeing her get excited "yes, pretty girl"

I went to the bathroom and took my pants off, looking at her to see her already taking her bra off. This woman is amazing, she's mostly confident and her honesty is amazing. She can be cruel but it's cute.

I turned on the water and made sure it was warm. I took the rest of my clothes off then stepped under the water. I let the water go down my body then looked at Katie, putting my hand out for her.

I moved her hair away from her face as the water went down her body. I smiled at her and put my hand on her waist, leaning in and kissing her softly.

She kissed back and I slowly moved my lips but she didn't "just move your lips with mine baby" I said quietly kissing her again. She did as I asked her and she was pretty good.

I moved my hand down to her ass "is this okay?" I asked her backing away a little. She nodded her head and moved closer to me "yes, it's okay"

I squeezed it gently and kissed her cheek then kissed down to her neck "you're very beautiful" I whispered against her wet soft skin "thank you"


"you pranking me was on the list?" I asked as she put a check mark next to 'prank Vivi'

"Learn how to skateboard? I can help you with that" I said. She looked at me "really?" I smiled and nodded "yeah I can"


"Please keep holding me" I laughed and kept holding Katie's hands "I won't let you go pretty, I won't let you fall" I reassured her.

She had a helmet on, some safety things on her knees and elbows.

She stood on it and I kept holding her hands "good job now just put one feet on the ground and push, I'll keep holding you, don't worry" she nodded and pushed gently.

"Can I let go now?" She shook her head but I already let her hands go as she kept moving from that push. She tried to balance herself but she was going to fall, it was obvious.

She slipped but I quickly went towards her and held her "you're okay baby, I got you" I helped her stand straight up and she turned around, hugging me tightly "please don't let go again"

"Okay I'm sorry" I put my hand over the placement of her heart. It was beating so fast, it actually scared me.

I carried her and put her down somewhere high so she would be on my level. I rubbed her thighs gently then took the helmet off for her "hey I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you"

"Just breathe..slowly" I took a deep breathe so she would do the same and she did. She put her head on my chest and I hugged her, rubbing her back gently.

I didn't know it would scare her this much.

"I don't like pain" she said and it just made me feel bad. I kissed the side of her head "I'm sorry, forgive me darling"

She backed away and looked at my neck "I forgive you"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now