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Viviana's POV

I just looked at Katie with a concerned look while guilt was washing over me. Is it because I went hard on her at the end? Maybe it is. I shouldn't have done that to her especially when it's her first time.

I should've known better.

I sat up and put my boxers on "are you okay?" I asked her seeing her breathing getting faster. I rubbed her arm softly waiting for an answer that I didn't get.

She turned around, laying on her side with the blanket covering her "goodnight Vivi"

I bit my lip trying to hold my tears back. What did I do?

"Goodnight baby" I covered myself with another blanket and laid on my side, facing Katie's back "can you turn off the lights?" I nodded and stood up, turning the lights off then getting back on bed and laying on my side again.

I wanted to hug her, cuddle her, whatever it is but I think she just wants space so I just moved closer to her and laid my head down on the pillow. I wasn't touching her, I just wanted her to know that I'm here if she wants anything.

I tried closing my eyes and sleeping but then I heard small quiet sobs. I opened my eyes and waited for a little, wanting to make sure I actually heard that and I unfortunately did.

I swallowed hardly and I felt really anxious. I lifted myself up a little and tried looking at Katie. She had the blanket up to her face right under her nose, her eyes were closed but tears were running down her cheeks.

I got out of bed making sure not to scare her, took my phone and went to the living room.

I sat down on the couch and called Brianna. I really needed someone to talk to and maybe Brianna would help me do something to make Katie feel better.

"Hey Viv, I'm kinda in the middle of something" I knew she was probably fucking Lana because I heard Lana laughing quietly "Bri, I messed up so badly"

"What happened?" She sounded concerned and worried "me and Katie..we had sex.." she hummed and stayed quiet, waiting for me to continue talking "..but after we finished, I asked her how she felt and she said she feels dirty but I really made sure to praise her and be gentle with her. I don't know what happened and now she's crying"

"Oh my god" Lana asked Brianna what happened and she explained it to her quickly "listen just go comfort her. Maybe she needs someone to hold her" Lana suggested after Brianna said she's putting it on speaker.

"She's supposed to be sleeping but she said that because she wanted to cry. I don't know what to do. What if she breaks up with me?" I was really worried that this might be the end of Katie and I. I'm just going to think of every single possible thing that could happen.

"No no listen.." then Brianna stepped in "..I went through the same thing after the first few times of having sex. It's completely normal to feel like that even if it was gentle and soft and whatever it is"

I let out a breathe of relief "okay" then I heard her sigh "but I had a reason for why I felt dirty and bad after sex" I patiently waited for her to say something and I heard Lana say a soft "what happened?" To Brianna.

"Some people made me feel bad about myself. Like I got catcalled and it made me feel really bad because I just felt really dirty having sex with someone. One of the guys..touched me and I had bad sex experiences that always made me feel bad after that until Lana came and everything felt so right"

"I will literally murder anyone that hurts you" Lana said to Brianna. My heart started racing to the thought of someone doing that to Katie. I know the first time someone tried to do something she freaked out and I was glad that I was there with her but what if something happened to her and I wasn't there to protect her?

It's all on me.

"But Viv, that might not be the reason. She can just have something called post coital dysphoria" it scared me even more hearing whatever that is "what the fuck is that?" I asked her.

"I probably shouldn't have said that to comfort you from the sexual harassment thing because..well the causes of it is sexual abuse from any kind"

"Brianna you're not helping at all" then Lana took the phone "listen..this thing Brianna said is completely okay for someone to feel. She can feel bad but it's easy to get over, she just needs time and she needs to be the one to open up to you. Just give her a safe environment and make sure she knows that you'll be there to listen"

"I had one of my ex girlfriends feel like that. I talked to her and she chose to talk to a therapist and she felt better after just a few weeks. Everything will be okay Viv"

I nodded my head "should I sleep on the couch or should I go back to her?" I asked. I didn't want to do anything that would make her feel more bad "go to her. I liked having someone around me" Brianna said.

"Okay I will. Thank you guys" I said to them. They really helped me "of course babe. Love you"

"Love you too" I hung up and stood up, going back to my room. I closed the door quietly and got next to her.

I softly rubbed up and down her arm and I heard her trying to hold back a sob "it's okay baby" I didn't want her to hold back her crying because she would feel tired and shitty after.

She moved back a little so the back of her body was touching the front of mine. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her "thank you" I heard her say quietly "for what?"

"For being here for me"

comfort person // lesbian story (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now