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A few days passed after the big blowup and the Dixon's were back to minimal contact with the rest of camp. June would talk to Carol and Sophia could be found with her when she wasn't busy helping her mom, but she was too angry to even try to speak to anyone else. Lori had tried to smooth things over but when she let slip that she knew what Shane had been thinking and hadn't done a thing about it, June shut down. She knew Lori couldn't control Shane but figured a heads up would've been nice, then she wouldn't have been so blindsided by everything. As for Dean, anytime he even glanced over at her one of her brothers would move to block his view. He felt like the biggest ass, wanted to beg for forgiveness, but she wasn't speaking to him and he knew he only had himself to blame.


"What's up Dean? Come to create more drama?"

"Come on man... you know I was just doing what I thought was right."

Sam had been LIVID over how he'd gone about everything, agreeing with June that he should have asked her about it instead of taking Shane at face value. He didn't blame any of the Dixons for refusing to talk to his brother and was even a little impressed that they'd let both Dean and Shane breathe after all that bullshit.

"No. You were reacting to the lies that prick fed you. I know you Dean, if you'd wanted to do the right thing you would have talked to her about it. Told her and Daryl what was being said and given them a chance to defend themselves against the lies... This was you feeding your hero complex. You know I'm right."

It was hard to hear but Sam was right and Dean knew it. Their own father had hammered it into his head that 'saving people' was a pretty damn important part of what they did. He'd also taught him that it didn't matter how you saved people, which was where the problems came in.

"Yeah... I just... I want to talk to her. Tell her I'm sorry, tell Daryl I'm sorry."

"Great, what's that got to do with me?"

"I was hoping that maybe you..."

"Oh no. Nope. Gonna stop you right there. I'm not getting in the middle of your screw-up"

"I'm not asking you to make excuses Sammy. I just want you to pass on a message."

"Why should I?"

"Because we're brothers?"

"Try again."

"Because she's your friend and I know you miss spending time with her."

He had him there. Sam genuinely liked June and the more he'd gotten to know her, the more he saw past the hurt and to the heart of her. When she let you past her walls you got to see the kind, feisty woman that hid behind it and he hated how quick those walls had gone back up. He let out a sigh and Dean patted him on the back and thanked him before heading off to go take over for Dale as lookout. He told himself that he wasn't doing this for his brother, that he was doing it for June. She deserved an apology from someone and no one seemed brave enough to just go over and do it.

Carol was busy with the laundry today so June was sitting near her tent when Sammy walked over. She had seen the brothers talking and though she knew Sam took her side on all this, she figured that Dean would try to get him to come plead his case and she really wasn't interested in hearing it. Dean had dug this grave and he was going to have to deal with the repercussions.

"Save it Sam. I don't wanna hear no excuses."

"What excuses?"

"About your brother."

She hadn't looked at him until she said that and the raw pain on her face took his breath away. He didn't think she meant to let the mask slip enough for him to see it and the moment his expression changed she turned her head away and pretended to look for something by the tent. If his brother thought this would be an easy fix, this right here showed Sam that simply wouldn't happen. She was heartbroken and he was going to be the friend she needed, not the messenger his brother wanted.

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