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The houses were incredible but even the electricity and fresh, running water wasn't enough to put them completely at ease. Giving up their weapons had been something they were warned about ahead of time but it felt like having parts of themselves stripped away. June was more thankful than ever for Bobby and his willingness to hide her gun for her, making a mental note to talk to him about it later. She had already said thank you but she really wanted him to understand why she was so relieved, why it felt necessary to have with her, but that would have to wait.

"June, your turn in the shower. Make sure ya get clean. If you're outta there in under 5 minutes, I'll send ya right back in."

"Daryl, I ain't been against bathin since I was 4 and thought I was a mud monster."

"What?" Rick laughed, not having heard this story before.

"Oh yeah, Merle convinced June that us Dixons weren't born. Told her we came up outta the swamp and I spent the rest of that summer chasin around a muddy 4 year old. Ya have any idea what a pain in the ass it is ta stop a toddler from bitin the cat cause 'Merle says swamp monsters eat pussy.'... I almost killed him over that one."

"Oh god."


"I just got what he meant by that! Daryl, our brother was... somethin else."

"I know. Now... shower."

She shook her head at how long that had taken her to figure out but went inside to wash away the dirt and blood. All of them saw the difference in her, the spark had returned to her eyes, but Daryl knew his sister better than anyone. Having Sam and Dean back healed her heart in a way nothing else could, but that didn't change what had happened to them. They'd seen the very worst of humanity and while the people here weren't trying to make them into BBQ, their naïveté was still a liability. June had admitted to her brother that she had a gun squirreled away and all it told him was she was preparing for a fight.

"Well guys, I got a date in a shower."

"Hold up Dean." Rick fully understood him wanting to be with June, but right now they had questions. Questions only the brothers could answer. "We wanna talk ta both you and Sam."

"Sure, what's up?"

"Not here." Going outside the gate had been the very last thing Dean wanted to do, he wanted to be under the hot water with June, but there was a new intensity in Rick that had him following without question. "You two are family. Have been since Atlanta and while these people seem nice enough, we're not about to trust 'em just cause they gave us a couple houses."

"No, we get that." Sam agreed. "We haven't exactly been getting to know the neighbors."

"Still you've been here for how long now?"

"Just over a month, not quite two. We looked for you guys for 2 weeks until... well, you know."

"Yeah." Rick hadn't talked to Sam about what happened but there would be time for that later, right now he wanted to hear their thoughts on the town. "That's not what I'm worried about though"

"Dean" Carol had been playing a part since entering the gates but out here, with her family, she dropped the mask and spoke plainly. "How screwed are we if we fully integrate with these people?"

"Honestly they seem nice enough but there's no real fighters here."

"Most have been here from the beginning or pretty close to it. I've heard whispers about the guys panicking on runs, getting people killed because they don't know what the hell they're doing."

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