Make it real

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It had been two weeks since meeting with Castiel and forming a plan; two weeks since June and Jesus started causing people to look at them sideways and the whispered gossip began. Dean was handling this about as well as his wife had thought he would, so not at all. She took every private moment they got to remind him that this was all fake and while Jesus was interested in a Dixon, it wasn't her. Still today had brought on the touching and it was becoming more difficult for him to keep all that in mind. It wasn't anything crazy; a strand of hair tucked behind her ear, a brush of the hand, small things like that but Sam still had to keep his brother from punching Jesus.

They'd just walked into Rick's house and he gave his friend a sympathetic smile. No way would he have been able to do this with Michonne and he was impressed with the Winchester's ability to pull this off. Castiel had told them to make it real and they'd done just that, the only part they hadn't listened to was not telling more people. They'd kept it between their family and only those that had been around since Terminus, even Maggie had been brought into the know at June's insistence. Jesus had been in Alexandria this whole time and she'd snuck back into town to see what was going on.

June had tried to keep up the charade in front of Maggie but when her best friend nearly stabbed her, they all decided it was time to come clean. So for now Rick, Michonne, Rosita, Maggie, Sam, Jesus, and Carl were the only ones to know about the plan and were doing their best to support the trio with their subterfuge.

"This better freakin work!"

"It will baby. The saviors have already made one pick up and Rosita heard Simon talkin about it with Castiel."

"It's true. Even some of the other Alexandrians were talking about June and Jesus, guess he heard that gossip too because he was very excited to tell Negan."

"What did Castiel say?"

"He's pretending not to notice." Sam wasn't sure this was the right angle but he'd already supplied some weapons for them, promises of more once Dean was in. "Which has only convinced Simon even more."

"Good. We need them ta really buy it."

"Yeah well, I hate it."

"And we get that Dean." Rick had witnessed his friend break off a piece of fence in anger. This was nearing how much he was able to take at a rapid pace. "Castiel was clear about this though, if this comes off as forced, we risk Negan catching on."

"And then we're all fucked. Not just us but Hilltop too." Sam had a point but it didn't mean his brother had to like it. "They haven't done anything crazy Dean, just making sure it looks like the real deal."

"Yeah but does it have to feel real?"

They heard it, the fear and heartache in his tone. He was beginning to worry about actually losing his wife and that wasn't something she could have. She wrapped her arms around his neck and ran her fingers through his hair, massaging the back of his head to help him relax just a little bit. Her eyes taking in every line of his face and every speck of gold in his green eyes. If there was such a thing as perfection, Dean was it.

"I love you Dean and if you want this ta stop, I'll send Jesus back ta Hilltop today. Saviors be damned. I won't hurt you, not for any reason."

"You'd really do that? Ditch the plan for me?"

"We can come up with a new plan but there's only one you... your call baby."

"Do you think this can work?"

"I do but what's the use if we get hurt in the process? Point of this was ta lessen our casualties, not cost me you."

Dean closed the space between them and kissed her deeply, releasing the fear he'd been holding on to. Their family was waiting to hear if they were still going forward with this, Carl clearing his throat to maybe help them speed things up.

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