This is us trying

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The trio ended up beating most of their friends and family to the party, causing June to seriously rethink the entire thing. Even Abraham was more apprehensive now that they were actually here and it wasn't until Rosita pointed out the beer that he agreed to give it a try. June, however, was still not convinced.

"Woman, I have seen you beat a man to death and take down numerous walkers. If you can do that, you can do this."

"Abraham!" she hissed, hoping no one heard that. "How about we don't bring that shit up."

"Which part?"

"The... first part." she whispered.

"Ain't nothin to be ashamed of June. I was right there with ya."

"Still, I haven't even told Dean about any of that."

"Fair enough. Now come on, let's get a drink and I'm sure you'll feel better."

"She'll feel better or you will?"


June gave Rosita a sideways glance and smile but they made their way to the table, doing their best to be polite while also blending in to the wall. Abraham was a little imposing so only a few people came up but when June came out of the restroom, she found herself surrounded by a lot of people she didn't know. There were questions about her favorite food, but most were about the one thing she wasn't willing to talk about with strangers.

"We heard that you're getting married! That's exciting! Will you be having a wedding?"

"You are a lucky girl, that Dean is one handsome man. I know my daughter..."

"I'm sure we could find you a dress and my neighbor has a flower garden..."

"Who will you invite? Do you need a cake? I think..."

She was scanning the crowd for anyone she knew that could save her but this was apparently the only part of the house her family wasn't in and the panic she felt earlier was starting to rise at an alarming rate. A hand on her shoulder had her jumping nearly out of her skin and though she didn't recognize this guy, if he was here to save her, she'd take it.

"Excuse me ladies. I need to steal her away for a minute."

"Of course. You let us know if you need anything."

"Sure." She followed the guy away from the gaggle of well meaning women and when they were out of ear shot, he handed her a drink and smiled at how quickly she relaxed. "Thanks for that."

"I uh... I saw the slight panicked expression and thought I'd save you. Name's Spencer, I'm Deanna's son."

"Oh... right. June"

"I know"

"You do?"

"I sort of asked around about you."


"Why not?" she didn't have a good answer and was so confused by him that she just stayed silent. "My brother told me about your meeting today."


"And... you had every right to put him in his place." He leaned against the wall and moved a little too close for comfort but she'd dealt with a Monroe once today, she'd do it again if she had to. "My brother's not a bad guy but he can be a dick."

"Thanks for the tip and getting me out of there but I should..." she motioned toward the others but he wasn't quite ready to let her go.

"I thought you were supposed to be getting to know people. At least that's what my mom said."

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