The deal

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It had been a week since the Kingdom, a week since she'd seen her brother but she was doing her best to be patient. Jesus promised her the note got to Castiel and though Rick still wasn't sure this was the right move, he didn't have any ideas himself so this time he was letting her take the lead. Eugene had been taken the day Rosita shot the bat and there was concern he'd turn on them, his self-preservation on par with June's loyalty and that wasn't necessarily a good thing.

"June there's uh... there's someone to see you."

"That person have a name?"

"He says his name is Jesus." Jody truly thought this was a practical joke but June perked up at the name, so she just went with it. "Want me to let him in?"

"No, that's ok. He's an old friend of Charlie's and I promised her I'd bring him by the house if he ever came for a visit."

"Oh so he's THAT guy! I swear I thought this guy was screwing with me."

"His real name is Paul if that makes ya feel better."

"A little actually." She gave June a big hug and kiss on the cheek, actions that had gone up significantly since they got her back. "OK sweetie, well I will see you tonight. Be safe."

"Jody, I'll be fine. I wouldn't let Jesus set foot in Alexandria if he wasn't a good guy and neither would Rick."

"Just in case... here" she slipped some pepper spray in her hand and of all the mother-hen moments, this was high on the list of favorites. "Aim for the eyes but anywhere on the face will burn."

"Thank you."

She thought about giving her shit but Jody was a mother through and through and June was one of her kids, it was that simple. If she wanted to fuss over her not eating enough or give her a can of pepper spray, no way was she going to argue.

Jesus was sitting on the steps when she walked out, noting the item in her left hand and giving her a very pointed look. "That for me to use or to be used on me?"



"If you behave or not." She teased, tossing him a bottle of water and walking towards her house. "Gregory know ya left?"

"No but Maggie and Sasha send their love."

"I miss them."

"You could come back with me. See them all the time."

"I know but Rick thinks it best if I stay here for now. The Saviors are still lookin for my brother and just cause Simon didn't find him here last time, doesn't mean they're gonna stop. As his sister, they all think I either helped him escape or am helping ta hide him."

"Well, you kinda are."

"Yeah but they don't know that." She huffed. "Anyway... Negan stopped by yesterday, made it clear I wasn't ta go nowhere. So for now I'm stuck... besides I ain't been able ta talk Dean or Sam into goin. No them, no me."

"No you. No Daryl."

"You really that hung up on my big brother?"

"I admire him."

"He's someone that should be admired." She smiled to herself, it was about time more people recognized her brother for the great man he was. "I only wish he knew that."

"He's a complicated guy."

"That's putting it mildly." She scoffed quietly, thinking back to the many conversations they'd had. He didn't see that the things he'd done for the family was one of the only reasons they'd made it this far. His self-loathing over what happened with Glenn poisoned his mind and it killed her to see it. "So, you come here ta talk about my brother or ya got news for me?"

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