The line between good and evil

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"The line between good and evil is permeable and almost anyone can be induced to cross it when pressured by situational forces."- Philip Zimbardo


The colt was aimed at the demon's head, his yellow eyes filled with mirth and a wicked smile playing on his face. He'd been waiting for this showdown for YEARS and while Sammy was his MVP, John was proving to be an interesting oppositional force. So much hatred and rage inside the patron Winchester, if properly exploited could turn him into an absolute monster.

"Well, what now John? You gonna shoot me?"

"That was the plan"

"Revenge?" John gave a single nod and the demon let out a dismissive scoff. "How boring and unimaginative. I really expected more out of you."

John wasn't in the mood for conversation, it was time to end this and the relief beginning to fill him was like a soothing balm for his soul. Over 20 years he'd spent searching for this bastard, he'd dedicated not only his life but his boy's lives to this hunt. Cocking the gun he gave the demon a smile of his own but before he could pull the trigger, the earth started to shake and all he could hear was the demon yelling at someone John couldn't see.


John could only hear one side of the conversation but even with part of it in Latin, he knew swearing when he heard it. Whoever the demon was talking to had an immense amount of power and was apparently using it. Once the dust was settled and the shaking stopped, he looked around and realized the demon was gone. The devil's trap hadn't been broken but yellow eyes was no where to be found. A frustrated yell left John but all he could do now was regroup and try to figure out what the hell had just happened.


3 months passed with no signs of demons or anything supernatural... except for the dead walking around. Zombies hadn't ever been something John had bothered learning about, figuring it was all movie bullshit, but now he was kicking himself for not teaching Dean about them. He'd been searching for his boys since it all happened but came up empty at every turn. The phone lines were down, as were the cell towers, he'd tried the walkies-talkies but the only thing he got in return was static. He was feeling desperate, needing to know his sons were ok and willing to do damn near anything to find them. He'd tried making a deal but it didn't seem to matter how many times he went to the crossroads, no demon ever showed. It was as though hell was closed for business.

If supernatural help was out of the question, it was time to pull in some favors... except the last 4 hunters he'd gone looking for had all turned up dead, well sort of, a couple tried taking a chunk out of John's arm and he'd had to put them down... oh well, they weren't ever that good of friends anyway. OK, if that wouldn't work...

"The hell you doin here Winchester?"

"Good to see you too Ellen."

"Get out. We've got enough trouble with the dead, I don't need you adding to it."

"I'm looking for my boys Ellen. The world's gone to hell and I just need to know they're safe."

"Since when do you care?"

Jo had become friend's with Sam and Dean, had heard a few stories about John, and wasn't shy about her distaste for the man. In her mind, his boys were better off without him and she hoped he never got his hooks in them again. Still, Ellen felt a little bad about the situation, knowing she'd be tearing this world apart if Jo was out there without her. She motioned for John to come inside quickly, locking the door before the dead realized they were there.

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