A shallow apology is better than a shallow grave

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Authors Note: So I couldn't find anywhere that could tell me if Daryl had a middle name or what it was. I picked Mark because it is Norman's middle name and I wanted to give a nod to the actor that plays this incredible character.


It would be days before June even glanced in her brother's direction and even then it was because Hershel had decided to move everyone into the house. It was October almost November, the weather was getting colder, and though they'd be a bit cramped it would be better than freezing to death. Daryl had gone to Dean after the fallout with his sister, asking him for ideas on how to fix this but the only advice he had for him was shit he already knew. June appreciated genuine apologies but it was actions she put the most stock in.

"June" nothing. "June bug." silence "June Rose Dixon."

"Don't you middle name me Daryl Mark Dixon." She hissed, pushing past him with an armful of blankets, clenching her teeth when he grabbed her arm and brought her to a stop. "Let me go."

"We need ta talk."

"Since when do you wanna talk? Out of the three of us, you're the one that always wanted ta keep quiet."

"Yeah but now I wanna talk."

"Sam" she handed him the pile of blankets and instead of asking a bunch of questions, just took them inside for her. "Alright, ya wanna talk. Talk."

"Not here."

"Why not? They all heard the fight, they can all hear whatever this is."

Oh so she was still MAD-MAD. He'd hoped giving her space and time would've calmed her down but this was a different kind of hurt. She couldn't say that this was worse than what Dean had done outside Atlanta but with Daryl being the one behind the hurt... that was what she was having trouble getting past.

"June, I'm sorry. I never shoulda... it won't happen again."

"Great, that it?"

"What'd-ya mean 'that it'?" he didn't actually think she'd forgive that easy but the attitude had caught him off guard. "The hell else is there?"

"More than a bullshit, shallow apology!"

"Shallow apology?! Ya think that's what this is?"

"I dunno Daryl. Is it?"

The pacing was a dead giveaway that he'd reached his limit and while he wouldn't swing on his sister, both Dale and Carol waited to the side just in case. Daryl came toe to toe with June and pointed his finger in her face, a gesture that in the past would've been enough to get her to back down. Today though she stood her ground and dared him to do something, it seemed that his June had grown a spine.

"Ya know what, I don't owe you a goddamn thing June. I was just tryin ta get it through your thick, fucking skull that the kid was dangerous and you hauled off and slapped me! If anyone owes an apology, it's you!"

"Sure, go ahead. Turn this around on me. It's what we Dixons do best right? We ain't never wrong even when we are." He really saw this going differently than it currently was but was too angry to rethink his plan. "About time that cycle comes to an end..." Fortunately, June was thinking clear enough for the both of them. "Yes Daryl, I slapped ya and I hate myself for it. It's one of my biggest regrets and I gotta figure out how ta live with that. I really am sorry for it brother... but... if you think for a second that you're innocent in all this ya got another thing comin."

"Sorry excuse for an apology."

"You are unbelievable!" she was past her patience and he could hear it in the shift of her tone. "Fine! Guess we can just go back ta not talkin!"

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