More than a friend

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Alexandria hadn't been this full of people... ever. The fighters from the outlying communities were staying within the walls, readying for the day ahead of them. Most of the Alexandrians had gotten over the deception, or perceived deception, by June and Jesus. Charlie and Tara were the ones who were simply too relieved it had all been fake to be angry, although Jesus did get a punch in the arm from his fiery friend. Jody had let out a loud 'I TOLD YOU!' aimed at pretty much everyone that had been talking shit about June, flipping off the ones that had been the loudest about it.

Daryl had been quieter than usual since being back, more bothered than he let on, but still completely transparent as far as his sister was concerned. She'd been watching him since being in Hilltop and knew Maggie had finally brought up what happened with Glenn, figuring how he was acting had something to do with that now. She waited until after dinner before finding him up in one of the guard towers, climbing up and tossing him a bottle of water before hiking herself the rest of the way up.

"Hey big brother, want some company?"

"I got a choice?"

"Ya want one?"

He didn't answer but his expression told her all she needed to know. He didn't want to be alone but he wasn't going to be real open to any kind of conversation. She wanted to speak to him, things she wanted to say to him, but she'd never push him to respond so she figured this would be one of those times where she spoke and he just listened. A few more moments of nothing but the crickets and the wind blowing in the trees before she took a deep breath and turned to face him, noting the way his eyes flickered over to her and his mouth crept into one of his smirks. He knew her almost too well.

"Well, get it out June bug."

"You ain't surprised?"

"Nah. Longer you're with Dean, more ya become like Merle."

"Excuse me?! I do not!"

"I just mean you've gotten more talkative. Nothin wrong with it Junie, just tells me ya got more from him than I thought."

"Merle or Dean?"


She couldn't help but smile at how matter of fact he was being. Merle's dog tags were hanging around her neck, it was habit by now and she viewed them like good luck charms. Not that they'd ever brought her any real luck, but she'd worn them during some major battles and she'd come out the other side unscathed. It was 100% because she had the skills to get out of some terrible situations, but the tags made her feel like he had her back even from the grave. If anyone was going to get the credit for her being as good a fighter as she was though, it was going to be Daryl.

"Lost in your head again June bug?"

"Thinkin about Merle..."

"That what ya wanna talk about?"

"No, not even a little bit." He gave a small nod towards her and it was the sign for her to say what she came here to. He'd never been fond of people stalling, preferring they speak their piece and be done with it. "I uh... I'm scared Daryl."

"No shame in that June, we ain't never done nothin of this scale before and Negan-"

"I ain't scared about tomorrow."

"Then what?"

There was no easy way to say this, but Daryl didn't make a habit of getting angry with her. She still trusted him above all others and hoped he'd answer her honestly. "I feel you pullin away big brother. We're all here, even Carol, but ya still spent most of dinner brooding in the corner alone. I'm scared when this is all said and done that I'm gonna lose you. That ya ain't gonna say nothin, just up and leave one day."

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