You make me brave

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After Denise's death, June began throwing herself into any kind of work she could find. If Rick needed someone to take a shift on the guard towers, June was on it. A patrol needed an extra person, June. A patient needed to be seen at the hospital, June. Judith needed watched... anything at all and she was the first to volunteer. It was reminiscent of the days outside Atlanta when she was trying to make up for Merle's shortcomings or those early days on the farm and Dean was beginning to feel as though he was losing his wife. Daryl had told him this was just her way of dealing with grief but after nearly 3 years, Dean knew it was the exact opposite. June wasn't dealing with her grief, she was burying it and he needed her to know that he was still there for her.

"Babe! You home?" He'd woken up early to go speak to Rick, explaining his concerns and getting him to agree to not ask her for anything today. June Winchester was officially off duty and Dean wasn't about to waste a second of it. "June!"

"What's up?" her head peeked out from behind the wall upstairs and by the soap trying to drip into her eyes, he knew she was taking a shower... perfect. "Baby, did you need something?"

"Depends... you in the shower?" she looked around the hall and back to him, showing him how ridiculous she found his question. "I don't mean right this second... did I interrupt your shower?"

"Just a little bit."

"There room for me?"

"Always. Come on up, I promise the water isn't 'peel the skin from your bones' hot this time."

"Yeah, I don't think I believe you."

June shrugged and went back into the bathroom, followed very closely by her husband who left a trail of his clothes from the front door all the way to the upstairs bathroom. He'd get shit later from Sam and Daryl but right now he was focused on getting to the very beautiful woman he had waiting for him. She'd just rinsed the shampoo out of her hair when she felt his arms go around her, a kiss pressed to her neck that caused a shiver to go down her spine. June turned around so she was facing him, her arms around his waist and appreciating the view that was her husband.

"Is it just me or does it feel like forever since we've showered together?"

"Not just you... I've missed you June."

"I've been right here."

"Have you?"

There was no reason to expand on that statement, June could read in between the lines and she appreciated him leaving things vague. She was heartbroken and scared and angry. It wasn't that she'd been avoiding Dean, she just hadn't been willing to talk about certain things.

"I've been here Dean... Just... got a little lost along the way."

"We all get a little lost sometimes, but I promise to always come looking for you."

"That what you're doin right now?"

"Trying... it working?"

"Yeah... I think it is."

She stood on her tiptoes and gave him a soft kiss, the hot water washing off the rest of their agony and leaving them in a moment of bliss.


June hadn't been too surprised when she found out Dean had made it so she had the entire day off. It really did feel entirely too long since she'd spent one on one time with him and the idea of getting a whole day with her husband sounded incredible. The only issue they ran into was neither of them knew what it meant to truly relax anymore. Sitting around doing nothing put them both on edge, so they opted to go for a walk around town.

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