You lose

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The plan wasn't what anyone would call simple and they'd had to go over it at least a dozen times before time was finally up. They decided against blowing up the entire compound, wanting to save the supplies and divvying up the explosives so they could use them on the outposts scattered around the state. The plan was to blow the yard and the area Negan and his men slept, leave the main factory floor, and taking out the rest in a fight. Ezekiel had asked about going in and killing them while they slept but Rick reminded him that not everyone inside the sanctuary were saviors and there was no real way to tell. They'd done that at the first outpost and it was what landed them in this situation to begin with.

Dwight and Daryl had been sending secret messages via arrows and was why at 2 in the morning, the day before the saviors had planned on attacking Alexandria, June and her team were sneaking in. The rest of their fighters were told to wait for the first explosion, the signal to move in and put an end to this nightmare. June brought Rosita for her expertise with explosives, Daryl, Sam, and Maggie because she trusted them above all else and being some of the best fighters, and Sasha because she was one of the best shots in the group. Rick had wanted to be with them but his waiting with the others was the only way Castiel had agreed to let them in early. He refused to risk Rick deviating from the plan and going after Negan too soon, refused to jeopardize the plans him and June had spent weeks perfecting, and it had been one of the times Rick was forced to swallow his pride and let someone else take the reins. The 6 of them knew what to do, splitting up into teams of 3 (well 4 when Dwight and Dean joined) and setting the charges before meeting back up at the chosen rendezvous spot.

Despite this being incredibly tense, the moment June saw Dean she couldn't stop herself from running over and kissing him hard. She'd been so worried about him being here without her and she'd missed seeing his face every day.

"You ok?"

"I am now. You guys ready?"

Rosita held up some dynamite and smirked. "Hell yeah we are."

The first blast had woken everyone out of a deep sleep but the second nearly buried the saviors alive. June had been concerned about them having an excess of bullets, especially if Eugene had made more for them, but the shooting started and she had no time to think about it. Eugene had given them the impression that he had no real sense of loyalty and though he was a wild card, they held out hope that he'd do the right thing and help them.

Negan had managed to dig his way out of the rubble and was leaving behind a trail of fury as he stepped into the main yard and saw exactly what was going on, pissed beyond belief when he saw June leading the coup. She was now next to Rick on his shit list but it was something she'd wear with pride if she knew about it. No doubt about it, the Winchester men picked strong women.

Things seemed to be pretty even. The saviors were decent shots but June's people were the better at hand to hand. Most of the workers had taken to hiding rather than fighting, and the number of people that wanted to be done with Negan's shit and rallied behind the Alexandrians, gave them an actual chance to win this. Add to it that they had a fucking tiger and the second round of Eugene's bullets purposely backfiring and the war was over much quicker than they could've anticipated. As soon as the first savior surrendered, it created a domino effect and Negan got to see that his 'faithful' followers weren't all that faithful. Turned out that most people didn't want to be mauled by a tiger and getting shot by their own bullets was definitely a turn off. A head count showed that the person they'd been after was missing and he was the one they needed to make sure didn't live past today.


"Saw him sneak back in... we've got him."

Carl had started thinking that maybe they could get through this without killing everyone, Negan included, which is why June had him stay with his dad. They needed to disarm the saviors, make sure there weren't any hiding, free the workers, and figure out the next step... The Dixons and The Winchesters could handle Negan.

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