Questions and answers

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The moment she knew there was no choice in this matter, she began to disassociate. If she didn't think about what she was doing, if she went somewhere else in her mind than this wouldn't be as real. She could pretend he wasn't staring at her naked body, she could ignore his fingers tracing her scars, she knew she could because it was something she'd learned to do at a very young age. She had nearly reached that place in her mind where she was safe from what was happening on the outside when two names snapped her right back to attention.

"Sam or Dean?"

There was no reason for him to say those names. They hadn't been there the night before and as far she knew, they hadn't had any run ins with the saviors. This man should not have any knowledge of those names and while she could chock it up to coincidence, she could tell that was not what this was.

"Excuse me?"

"Which one of my sons are you screwing?"

No. Absolutely not. No way in hell was this monster related to her boys in any way, shape or form. This must be a sick joke. "I... I don't understand."

"Well then, let me make this real easy for ya. You told me your last name is Winchester and while that could be your maiden name, that still don't explain how you got my wife's ring on your finger. So you're either a thief or you use one of my boy's face as a throne."

"I... Their daddy's name was John."

"Yes it was. Things change but my lack of patience has not... WHICH ONE!"

"Dean!" she hadn't wanted to answer but he'd picked up that damned bat and slammed it against the table, scaring the wits out of her. "I'm married ta Dean."

"They in Alexandria?"

Lying to him would not end well for her but she felt an overwhelming need to protect the boys. It didn't matter if he was being honest, she didn't want him anywhere near them. She could stall, hope he didn't drag someone she loved in here and hurt them, but not saying anything really wasn't an option.

"I... can I put my clothes back on?"

"Go right ahead." He sat down and leaned back in the chair, watching her too closely for the man that was supposedly her father-in-law. Both boys had told her stories about John but none of them had ever been this sadistic. "I still want an answer... I've been lookin for those boys for a long damn time now and you will tell me what I want to know."

"Must not have been lookin very hard. We've been in Virginia nearly a year, Georgia before that... seems ta me you ain't as determined ta find 'em as you're tryin ta convince me."

It was so very stupid of her to talk back like this but she had begun to see a pattern forming. Negan or John... whoever this asshole was now... he wasn't a fan of cowards or people who thought too highly of themselves, but he seemed to almost respect a person for showing a fighting spirit. The way he smirked at her audacity proved her point but he wasn't going to let her get away with too much and he decided to shut this shit down before she took it too far.

"Oh darlin. You think you're cute don't ya?"

"Dean certainly thinks I am." With her clothes back on she was feeling a little more brave but the voice in the back of her head warned her not to poke the bear too much. "He's told me about you ya know. Both of 'em have... if you're really John-"

"You really think you've got me pegged, don't ya June?" he cut her off before she could gain any traction in this conversation. She gave a small shrug and sat down when he motioned to the chair. She wasn't sure if she'd crossed the line with him yet but what he said next told her all she needed to know about this man. "Let me make something abundantly clear to you princess. John Winchester died a long time ago and like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Negan took his place. So if you've gotten it into that pretty little head of yours that you're safe just cause you're fucking his son, have I got some bad news for you... I don't give a damn about any of that, in fact if you keep this shit up I will drive to Alexandria and fuck you in front of him. Only reason I want to see those boys is to make sure you ain't lyin because that... that would end badly for everyone. Have I made myself clear?"

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