How far they'll go

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It had taken her longer than expected to get to the boys, so Dean was passed out on one of the beds by the time she reached them. Sam was sat against one of the walls, eyes closed, sweat running down his neck looking like he was on death's doorstep. She managed to  keep her calm, but he was really pale and it scared the absolute hell out of her.


Her whispered voice was so unexpected he thought he'd hallucinated it at first, but when he opened his eyes and saw her kneeled beside him, he knew she was really here. It had been a fear for both the brothers, June putting herself at risk over this, and he was relieved Dean was sleeping right now.

"June, what are you doing here?"

"Helping. Can ya stand or do ya wanna stay on the ground?"

"My back's sore."

"Alright well, I'll need ta move ya to a different cell if ya wanna lay down."


"Still asleep, come on."

She wrapped her arm around his waist and did her best to support his weight as she moved him to the next cell over and getting him into bed. She wasn't surprised to see the brothers together, especially since Sam hadn't been as sick as Dean when he'd come in, but she wanted them both to get rest. She helped him get comfortable before pouring him a drink and helping him get it down, refusing to move further away.

"June, you shouldn't be here."

"Hush. Drink." He winced a little as the warm beverage went down his throat and she realized she must've put a little more whisky than intended in this one. "Sorry, I tried ta make the drinks the same but I must've gotten an extra shot in this one."

"What is it?"

"Hot Toddy."

"Hot... there's whisky in this?"

"Yep. Helped both me and Daryl get over some nasty colds over the years."

"Speaking of Daryl, he's gonna kill you when he finds out about this."

"Maybe but so far I've checked in with Sasha, tucked in a little girl, gave Glenn a message from Maggie, and helped you off the hard ground and into bed. Daryl can be mad at me if he wants but I doubt he'll be too surprised by my actions, he knows how far I'm willin ta go for people I love."


"Save it Sam. There was no choice for me, not after findin out about y'all bein in here with Glenn and Sasha. Hershel wanted ta do it alone but I knew we'd get ta more people if I helped."

"Yeah but what if you get sick?"

"Then I get sick."

He wanted to argue but every part of him had been aching and the warmth of the drink was beginning to spread through him and relax him a bit. Staying with his brother had been his priority, but with June here he allowed himself to finally get some sleep. Being off the ground and in a bed was enough to stop him from pushing this too much.

"Sleep Sam. You need it."

"Will you check on Dean?"

"You know I will."

She hated not being able to do more for Sam, wishing she could magically heal everyone and get back to life as they'd been living it. She waited until he fell completely asleep before going into the other cell and her heart ached seeing Dean like this, sweat covering every part of him as he tossed in his sleep. Her cool hand touching his skin jolted him awake and like Sam, for a moment he thought he was dreaming her.

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