Only love can hurt like this

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A knock on the front door woke June out of an uneasy sleep. She glanced over at Dean and smiled at how much younger he looked while sleeping, so peaceful and handsome. Today may be the last day she got to take him in like this for a while; she was hoping for the best but always planning for the worst, so while the person at the door wasn't giving up she made them wait a little longer. A soft kiss to his cheek before finally crawling out of bed and going to see who was risking death by being at her doorstep so damn early.

"I'm comin! Calm your tits." She hadn't ever been a morning person and not even Jesus smiling on the other side could change that. "You have any idea what time it is?"

"I know it's early but I wanted to talk to you before the day started, Dean awake?"


"Damn, I really wanted him to hear this... feel like getting him up?"

"Not even a little bit. He ain't been sleepin well since all this and he'll need his energy for today." She could see her friend trying to decide if he should still tell her or not and made the decision for him. "Ya woke me up for this shit, so whatever it is" she stepped outside, shut the door behind her and sat on the porch swing. "let's talk."

If they had the time, he would've waited but they had no idea when Negan was going to show up and they couldn't risk planning anything with him here. Nothing could send up red flags for the leader of the saviors, this had to be their best performance yet. Taking the spot next to her and slinging his arm over the back of the seat, he glanced over at the neighboring house to make sure nobody was eavesdropping.

"Jesus, I ain't got all day."

"Right. Sorry, just making sure. You guys have some nosy people in Alexandria."

"We know. Reason Dean don't want me stayin here when he goes, I've gotten plenty of side eye and muttered insults thrown at me."

"You think they'd actually hurt you?"

"They might but they ain't got a clue what I'm truly capable of. These people would be in for a rude awakening if they tried somethin, don't matter though. I ain't tryin ta start fights, another reason me goin is for the best."

"Well, I know Maggie and Sasha will be glad to see you everyday."

"Just them? Not you?" She gave him a lopsided smile and he blushed pink up to the tips of his ears. The soft laugh he gave sounded a bit strained and she bumped her knee against his. "I'm teasin. Gotta do it now before people start mulling around and readin more into it. Besides, I still wanna see you shoot your shot with my brother."

"One thing at a time. Not sure he'll want to talk to me after today."

"He knows what's goin on Jesus. Knows this is all an act. Like I said at the Kingdom, I'll put a good word in for ya. It'd be nice ta see my brother with someone like you."

"I appreciate that."

"Is that what's had ya in knots? Worried about what Daryl will think?"

"A little bit but not why I'm here." She waited for him to spit it out. The sunrise cast a soft glow on the porch steps, creating a more peaceful scene than should be allowed in the world as it was now. "Are you absolutely sure about today? I know it was Dean's idea but he's been spiraling and if this is going to hurt you two..."

"It won't. We talked last night, even tried comin up with somethin else... if this was real, you and me, Dean really would try to overlook all the flirting. He'd be jealous as hell but it wouldn't be enough ta push him over the edge."

"Yeah but does Negan know that?"

She took a deep breath and let it out slower than necessary, not ready to think of the man. "As much as I want ta pretend Negan ain't their dad, it don't change that he is. He don't know the Dean we do but he knows enough to make him dangerous, so while I don't like the idea... it is what it is. We gotta remember why we're doin this, helps with the nerves... at least that's what I keep tellin myself."

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