Best friends

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June hadn't been entirely honest with her boyfriend when he'd asked what she'd be doing while they were gone. She didn't lie, not really, but the 'chore' she told him about was a run of her own. Hershel and Rick had pulled her aside and brought up that some of the previous residents of Woodbury had been asking about grabbing personal effects from the old town. They didn't want a bunch of people walking out into a walker infested forest, not when most of them didn't have the skills to take them down, but they understood that certain things were sentimental.

Rick had originally planned to ask Daryl to do it but Hershel had pointed out that he was busy looking for survivors as well as the list of other things he was responsible for. June was the obvious second choice as she was just as skilled as her brother and would be able to get in and out quickly. This was a scouting mission, checking to see how overran it was and whether or not the governor or anyone else had taken up residence.

The last time anyone had been to Woodbury was right after the survivors had been brought to the prison. Rick and his group had gone and looked for supplies but hadn't bothered looking for personal effects, needing to focus on things that would be useful in keeping the influx of people healthy and fed.

"Sam, I gotta go get Maggie and then we can head out."

"Dean and Daryl are gonna be so pissed when they find out..."

"Hershel said he'd deal with 'em. We ain't grabbin nothin, just checkin it out. We've done this shit a thousand times over, we know what we're doin. Now, grab some weapons and let Hershel know we're leavin."

"Meet you by the gate?"

"10 minutes." The friends went in opposite directions and June found Maggie in the bathroom, looking intently at a pregnancy test. "It positive?"


Maggie had told her about the possibility of her being pregnant, which June had figured was why Glenn asked her to stay behind, and while Maggie was a little relieved she wasn't pregnant- she wasn't afraid of the idea either.

"How ya feel about that?"

"I mean, I would've been happy either way but I think Glenn will be relieved. He was so freaked out about the thought of us havin a baby..."

"Well, you should talk ta him about it. Let him know ya ain't afraid ta start a family, might help him relax a little."

"Yeah, I think I'll do that."

"Good, now... ya comin with Sam and me?"

"Were you waiting on the test results before asking me?"

"Yes I was. I'm gonna be in enough trouble with Daryl and Dean, didn't wanna add Glenn ta the mix."

"Let me grab my knife."


The trio headed out together, walking to Woodbury for the simple reason that they needed time away from the prison. It wasn't that they disliked the people staying with them, it was just such a huge change and the times they got to spend as a family had become pretty rare. The couples were given a little more privacy but the friend groups, not as much. Hershel had given them the ok to walk, knowing the three of them would protect one another and feeling confident they'd come back in one piece.

"So Sammy"


"Maggie and me have been tryna see if any of these new ladies would catch your eye, but ya seem ta be followin in my brother's footsteps. Reason ya ain't found someone?"

It was such a blunt way to ask it but since it was just the three of them he wasn't upset. They were often referred to as 'the three musketeers' by people at the prison, the trio always found together if Dean, Daryl and Glenn weren't around. They'd been friends at the farm but the events since the herd overtook the place had caused them to lean on one another a lot more. They confided in one another, spilling secrets they may not yet be comfortable telling the others, and it was a different kind of bond than they had with the others.

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