Finding where to fit

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After a couple of days to settle in, the family was now working in their perspective jobs. June didn't think the library was overly exciting but Jody was fun to be around and she found herself smiling more with her. She was quickly becoming an extension to the family and though June wasn't sure she wanted to stay doing this, for now it was fine. Tara thought maybe she could go on runs with them but that idea died before it could take off after June found out Aiden had tried to punch Glenn. The following day he came in to grab a book for his mom and foolishly attempted to make conversation with June, making for a hilarious interaction that Jody got to watch in all its glory.

"June, right?"

"Excuse me?"

"Your name is June. You came in with Rick's group, we haven't met yet. I'm Aiden."

"Aiden... Deanna's son?"

"That's me."

"The asshole that got his ass kicked when he tried sucker punchin Glenn like a damn coward... that Aiden?" he let out an awkward laugh and suddenly found the ceiling very interesting. "Yeah, I've heard ALL about you and your buddy Nicholas. Word of advice... try anything like that again and next time you'll deal with me."

"No offense but I sort of feel like I'm being threatened by a cupcake."

"I had someone else say that exact thing to me once."


"Yeah... he's dead." Her eyes narrowed and he had to swallow the lump that was growing in his throat, just the reaction she was hoping for before switching gears. She put on her sweet as sugar persona she'd been using to get through the day and smiled up at him through her lashes. "Now... what can I help ya with today?"

"I uh... I'm here to pick a book up for my mom."

She had already seen the sticky note and didn't even look before grabbing the right book and handing it to him. "Anythin else I can help ya with sugar?"

"Nope. This... this is it."

"Great. You just have a fantastic day."

"You too."

He was clearly confused by this interaction and Jody let out a damn cackle when he finally left. Dean had told them all about what a prick those guys had been to Noah, Glenn and Tara and how pissed June was about it, but getting to see her in action was the best present ever.

"That... that was beautiful. Think he'll stop asking you to go with them on runs now?"

"I ain't against goin on runs Jody, I'm against goin with him leadin. I've lost too many people cause of guys like that. Ta be honest, I'm tryna get Glenn, Noah and Tara to do somethin else. Especially Noah... he ain't built for runs and I flat out don't trust Aiden or Nicholas."

"Have you met them... I mean before today?"

"No, still ain't met Nicholas but I know the type... Deanna's probably gonna be mad at me for that. Think I should do damage control?"

"Nah, if it becomes an issue I'll handle it."

"Ya ain't gotta-"

"I know" she smiled at the shorter woman. Jody had 4 inches on June but her personality more than made up for her height, or so Jody was discovering. "Wanna help me put these back on the shelves?"



The day went on with some of her family coming in to check on her, Daryl sticking around after being out with Aaron for most of the day. He didn't like how spread out they all were but having June in a place like this definitely made him feel a little better. Jody clearly had a soft spot for his sister and it was good to see her smile again. Jody did her best to give the siblings space but still watched from a distance, intrigued by the relationships between everyone in the makeshift family.

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