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The sound of giggles reached her ears just as the door was opened and all three of her children Supermanned onto their bed. It was a chorus of 'wake up mama!' followed by wiggly butts moving in under the covers. Down the hall she heard the second her husband realized the kids had jumped the gun, the 'shit' gave it away but him coming into the room with coffee and an apologetic grin helped sell the whole look.

"I thought I told you guys to wait for me"

"But... is mama."

It was really hard to argue with that, especially with how cozy his 4 year old twins looked snuggled up to one of their favorite people in the entire world. A lot had changed in 6 years but what a fun ride it had been. Sophia Beth had been born 3 months after Maggie's son Hershel and the two kids were growing up just as fierce and loyal as their mothers. The twins had been the biggest surprise of all and was when Daryl remembered 'oh ya, our mom was a twin.' A piece of information his sister would have LOVED to know beforehand, but for all the concern there'd been over how delivery would go, Siddiq had come from Alexandria to assist. While they were a little early, they were healthy, and June had done amazing.

"Daddy" Sophia pulled him out of his musings and gave him a very pointed look, one she'd learned from her mother and had perfected by the age of 3. "Mama's coffee."

"Oh right... morning baby. Here ya go."

She reached up and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him in for a kiss and ignoring the little kicks her son was excitedly giving her leg. It wasn't hard or done out of anger, he just never seemed to stop moving.


"Mama, can I have some?"

"I very much don't think so Mary Ellen."

She held her cup up before the twins could tag team her and try to get the elixir of life from their mom. Last thing they needed was caffeinated preschoolers in the back of the wagon spinning around like tops. Before she could ask, Dean had swooped in and had both kids upside down and giggling like mad.

"Come on my little monsters, we need to get ready."

"Dean don't drop 'em." She sighed.

"I never do." He promised walking back into the hallway and going to get them dressed. "You two gonna be good at Cousin Carl's wedding today or do we need to have Uncle Sammy tie you to the roof?"


"The roof!"

He really should've seen that backfiring. His kids were fearless and had an affinity for heights, something they learned after Daryl caught them climbing up the fence in Alexandria. There was never a dull moment, but luckily there were many, many people that made sure to keep an eye on the Winchester kids. Helped that Archer looked JUST like his dad, and while Mary was a good mix of both her parents, she and Sophia had inherited June's eyes (which they used to get out of trouble).

June settled back against the headboard, one arm going around her oldest daughter and sipping on the coffee. They had a lot to do before heading out but she refused to rush mornings like this. June and Dean were often traveling to the different communities, helping with repairs or in certain disputes so the kids were used to going from place to place, but their favorite times were ones spent in Hilltop where both parents were more relaxed.

"Mama, is Miss Enid gonna move ta Alexandria after she marries Cousin Carl?"

"I don't know baby. I know she wants to try to split their time between here and there, but that's somethin they'll haveta figure out."

"I don't want her to move. I'll miss her."

"Well, we'd go visit. Uncle Rick still needs our help from time ta time."

Dean's DixonWhere stories live. Discover now