A part to play

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June's threatening Nicholas wasn't known to anyone but their family and the man himself. Apparently getting warned by two separate members of this group was enough for him to keep his mouth shut but not enough to stop him from planning something really fucking stupid... but... stupidity was running rampant in the streets of Alexandria that day. Something their fearless leader only added to when he and Pete went through a window and started fighting like dogs in front of Deanna. June fully agreed that the man needed his ass handed to him for abusing his family but not out in the open like this. She'd stopped Jessie from getting involved, not wanting her to get hurt again, but all that gained her was a black eye from Pete. She wasn't sorry for stepping in, he was going to hit whoever intervened and Jessie had been through enough, but Dean wanted to string the man up by his testicles.

Back at their house, June was sitting on the kitchen counter while Rosita checked her out, with Dean pacing in the background. He didn't know who to blame more, Rick or Pete, but June wouldn't hear anything against Rick so he kept that particular thought to himself. He'd seen it though, the attraction between Rick and Jessie, his saving her wasn't as selfless as he let on and they all knew it. Only reason he was putting any fault at Rick's feet was because his actions had led to June getting hit.

"Dean, sit down before ya wear a hole in the floor."

"If I stop, I'm gonna go kill the guy." June just rolled her eyes at him but didn't say anything else, she would've been acting the same way if the roles were reversed. "She ok Rosita?"

"She's fine, although you should've beat that guys ass June."

"I figured Rick was doin a good enough job at it, besides I'm still in hot water with Michonne and Maggie for pullin a knife on Nicholas."

"He had it coming."

"That's what I said!"

Rosita and Abraham tended to side with June on most things, they liked when she took charge of situations, preferring to go at things head first rather than sneak around or ignore them. Abraham had full on guffawed when they found out about the knife thing and lamented at his bad luck for having missed it. Today though, he was on Dean's side and when he came storming into the kitchen both women shared a look that said, 'here we go again.'

"She ok?"

"She's fine."

"Ya sure? Can she see outta that eye?"

"Abe!" he'd grabbed her jaw, not painfully but he was squishing her cheeks together. She gently pushed him away and hopped down, doing a small twirl to show both him and Dean that she was fine. "It's all good. That wasn't my first black eye and it sure as hell ain't the worst. Honestly, Pete hits like a little bitch."

"Not that little if he marked your damn face!"

"See, I've been telling her the same thing!"

"Yes but you've always been a little overprotective baby."

"Now June, it ain't called being OVER-protective when someone actually puts hands on ya. Dean's got every right ta wanna beat that guy's head in... in fact, ya want help let me know."

"Will do."

"No!" The ladies said at the same time, amusing Sam no small amount. "Deanna's callin a meetin tonight, us stayin is now in jeopardy and if Nicholas says anything about me threatenin him... All us here, right now, we'd be fine out there but it ain't just us. Judith and Carl don't deserve ta be thrown out because we can't stop fightin with these people."

"So what'd-ya suggest sunshine?"

"We lay low for now. See how things work out tonight and go from there."

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