The wrong people

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The ride with Abraham and his group had been a little more eventful than June would've liked, especially when Glenn had them stop the truck so him and June could get off and go. He wasn't mad at his friend or Tara for doing what they did, especially after interacting with Abraham and figuring he wouldn't have listened very well to either woman anyway. He'd tried to stop them from leaving, his words still ringing in June's ears 5 days later, and when Glenn punched him it was for both himself and June. He wasn't sure if she'd told them about Dean but there was no doubt she was just as worried about her love as he was about Maggie.

They had begrudgingly agreed to let them tag along after Eugene killed the truck and it was a decision June regretted pretty much immediately. She was still livid about the prison and Tara was being so damn sweet that she couldn't bring herself to go off on her again, which was only adding fuel to the fire that was her silently raging temper. Eugene never seemed to shut up and loved telling people how much smarter he was than them, but after the first sharp rebuff from June, he seemed to get the hint. Glenn had been keeping an eye on his friend and didn't miss how far she was pushing her body. She barely ate or drank and he was sure she hadn't gotten much sleep but his concern, while sweet, wasn't what she wanted in this moment.

"June, here. Have some water."

"I'm fine."

"You're not fine, you're furious."

"Aren't you?"

"We always knew there was a chance the governor would come back."

"Not with a fucking tank Glenn!" she'd snapped, all that emotion bottled up and this was what set her off, her friend checking on her well-being. The others came to an abrupt stop and kept their distance, not entirely convinced she wouldn't shoot them. "This was the third goddamn time that creep rolled up on us. THIRD TIME!"

"I know"

"Oh, you know? That's it? He killed Hershel, he... and there wasn't a damn thing any of us could do but watch. He has taken everything from us and this time I... I don't know that I'm strong enough to keep goin. Maybe Abraham is right, maybe we're fools for tryin to find them when we both know they're dead."

She went to walk off but he wasn't going to have this. He needed her to have faith in something, she didn't believe in a higher power, but she believed in their family and he couldn't keep going if she gave up. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back around, ducking when she swung at him.

"June! Stop!" he managed to pin her arms to her side and that was when all the dams in her mind burst. She collapsed into his hug and sobbed, clinging to her friend like she would with Daryl and letting it all out. "We'll find them. Not just Maggie but Daryl, Dean, Sam... all of them." He moved the tear soaked hair from her face and she did her best to look at him without crying. "I know this is hard and we have every right to be pissed about what happened, but our family made it out alive and we WILL find them. I won't stop until all of us are back together but I can't do this alone. I need my friend, my sister to help me make it through another day." He was very familiar with the look in her eyes, she wanted to believe but didn't know how. "Finding you at the prison, there was a reason you hid inside."

"Yeah, cause I couldn't find a way out." She scoffed, stepping out of his embrace and wiping her eyes.

"More than that. I think we were meant to find each other in there, so neither of us have to do this alone..." he waited for her to digest what he was saying and when she nodded, he figured it was safe to tease her a little. "now, you still wanna punch me or are you going to take a drink of water?"

"Jury's still out." She smirked, a small laugh escaping both friends and erasing the tension caused by the argument.

"Drink the damn water so we can move on."

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