A familiar face

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The next few days brought surprises of both the good and bad variety and it started with Daryl finding Carol alive. Being reunited with their friend, after being so sure they'd lost her, was a huge bump in morale. She was dehydrated and hungry but that they could fix, death was permanent. However, that was where the good ended and the bad began... nearly ripping the family apart in a way that they wouldn't have recovered from if that bond wasn't as solid as it was.

"June, we're gonna make a formula run."

"Alright, want me ta come?"

"No, we just wanted ta let someone know. We can't find Rick or my dad and I'm pretty sure Daryl's clearing out the library... makes you the one in charge."

"Now there's a scary thought" Sam teased, tugging on one of her braids with a smile.

"Don't make me get Dean."

"Oh come on! You two fall in love and now I can't get away with shit."

"To be fair Sammy, I never really let you get away with anything to begin with."

Maggie and Glenn laughed when his brother's voice startled him enough to cause him to jump, not prepared for Dean to appear out of thin air. "Make some noise when you walk Dean!"

"What can I say? The Dixons have taught me well, haven't ya baby?"

"We've done our best." She smiled up at him, that smile growing when he kissed her.

It was sweet seeing the two of them like this, especially since Glenn was there at the beginning and remembered how hard Dean had worked to get here. He'd give his friend this, when he wanted something, wasn't nothing would stop him from getting it. Still, this felt like the perfect opportunity to tease them.

"And you say we're bad."

"You two ARE bad." Dean countered "How many condoms are left in that box?"

Glenn turned about 4 different shades of red and Maggie had to cover up her laugh with a cough, looking anywhere but at Dean. June and Dean weren't as obvious about things but when they crossed that line, they really were pretty on par with Glenn and Maggie.

"We'll uh... we'll grab some more."

"That's what I thought." He smirked, patting his friend on the shoulder and going over to sit with his brother.

"Hey... be careful." She gently moved Judith to her other arm and hugged Maggie, the two of them more sisters than friends at this point. "You too Glenn. We need ya both ta come back in one piece."

"Yes mom."

Glenn ducked before she could smack him and once they made sure they had everything they'd need, mainly weapons, they headed out. June couldn't explain the sick feeling that hit her once they'd gone but it stuck with her throughout the day, she mentioned it to Carol when she checked in on her and her friend only had one thought.

"How long have you been feeling like this?"

"Just today, soon as Maggie and Glenn left."

"You sure you haven't been feeling off before now?"

"Pretty sure... why?" Carol didn't say anything but the knowing smile she had on her face gave it all away and June was quick to set her straight. "Wait, are you tryna suggest... Carol, I'm not pregnant."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, my period ended a few days ago."

"That's not always a for sure sign June."


"I'm not trying to embarrass you or make you uncomfortable but there's always a risk. I'd be telling Maggie the same thing... you and Dean may be better at hiding certain things but anyone with eyes can see how serious you are about one another."

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