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Dean and June talked on the way to Bobby's, deciding on how to tell their family and figuring they would just take a page out of Maggie and Glenn's playbook. They loved one another and wanted to spend however much life they were given together, that was enough. It wasn't like there was paperwork to fill out or any kind of legal hoops to jump through, so him putting the ring on her finger made her a Winchester plain and simple. There was something so beautiful about the simplicity of it all and by the time they walked into Bobby's house it was settled between the two of them.

"Wondered when you guys were gonna make it."

"Sorry Sam" she smiled, giving him a big hug.

"Not that sorry." Dean smirked, causing Sam to roll his eyes. "Where's Bobby?"

"Jody needed help with something in the backyard."

"Alright, want a beer baby?"


They were going to show her the kitchen when Sam caught sight of the ring and grabbed her hand before she could pass by. He was pretty sure he knew what this meant and by the huge smiles on both their faces no way did he guess this wrong but just to be safe...

"This is mom's ring."


"Does this mean... did you finally ask her?" Dean didn't answer but the grin only grew and Sam immediately hugged them both. He couldn't be happier in this moment if he tried. "Congratulations!"

"Thanks Sammy."

"So you doing like Maggie and Glenn or..."

"Like them."

"So you're a Winchester now?" she nodded and he thought his heart may burst. "June Rose Winchester... Told ya it had a nice ring to it Dean."

"Wait... did you... is this that why ya were askin all them questions that day?"


"You sneaky little shit!" she teased, laughing at the memory and wondering how she hadn't caught on.

Bobby and Jody came in to the sound of laughter, a HUGE change from the usual fighting and Jody just knew it had to be the woman they'd heard so much about. Bobby had told her a little bit about meeting her but even he wasn't prepared for the change he saw when they met them by the door.

"Thought we heard something."

"Hey Jody."


"I'd like to introduce you to June... my wife."

This was a new development and while they were happy for Dean, it was clear they were a little confused. Bobby had met her a few hours ago and Dean hadn't mentioned anything about the two of them being married.

"Nice ta meet you." June smiled.

"You too" Jody said a little breathless before finally hugging the young woman. "We've heard so much about you."

"But apparently not everything... wife?"

"Yeah, that's sort of... new."

Jody was already looking at the ring and Bobby immediately recognized it, it had once fallen out of Dean's bag and when he asked about it, the younger man told the story behind it. His mom had seen a similar one in one of those artsy stores and fallen in love with it, only problem was it was insanely expensive. John had searched everywhere for someone who could make a copy for less and Dean remembered the way her face had lit up when she opened it.

It was the nicest present John had ever given to her... right before Sam was born. Only reason it survived the fire was because Mary had taken it off to clean it and left it on the kitchen table that night... something he didn't feel compelled to share with anyone else right now. Dean had told him that the only way he'd ever give that ring to someone else was if he found that once in a lifetime, take your breath away, make you want to write love songs about it kind of love, never really expecting to find it.

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