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The aftermath of the battle had required a lot of scrambling to figure out the next steps. Rick had asked Daryl to take over the sanctuary and he'd flat out refused. He had no desire to be in control of that place or those people, not that they'd respect him anyway. He also didn't want to be away from June and though he'd never say it aloud, he didn't want to be away from Jesus either. A man from the kingdom ended up volunteering and Carol agreed to check in and make sure everything was smooth sailing, the visage of an undead Negan doing way more to keep his remaining soldiers in line than anything else could. Rick made it clear no one was being forced to stay, but if they chose to remain they were agreeing to the rules set by his people. This first set of laws is what led to the communities creating more that all the allies would abide by. It was the start of something much bigger and while the family that started all this, the ones now affectionately referred to as the Atlanta 7, were spread out they were still the core to all of this.


Siddiq had patched up June's shoulder and stitched up her throat, making a joke about her having matching wounds after seeing the bullet wound on the other side, and while the joke itself was awful it still made her laugh. It was such a strange feeling to have all this finally over with, to be sitting back at Alexandria and not have so much drama surrounding them. It was nice but it wasn't enough, June and Dean needed a reset and after the doctor signed off on it, they went straight to their family and told them what was going to happen next.

"Ya know what we're gonna say Rick. We're cashin in on that vacation."

"You deserve it."

"We all do but this ain't just about getting away for a few days..."

They'd called everyone that mattered most to them to their house, everybody was still in Alexandria to celebrate anyway and they wanted to rip off this band aid. Tara, Charlie, Jody, Bobby, Rosita, Sasha, Maggie, Enid, Carl, Rick, Michonne, Daryl, Jesus, Carol and even Father Gabriel were in attendance. Half of them were going to be thrilled and the other half... well, they were about to find out.

"June and I have been talking and have decided to make Hilltop our permanent home."

"We'll still be around, help however we can but Maggie needs us. There's talk of an election and with her baby comin... there's more for us ta do there than here."

"We love you guys, all of you, but we need a fresh start and we feel like Hilltop is where we'll find it."

Rick had seen this coming and while it would be sad not to have them next door, they were doing what was best for them. Up til this moment June had done what was best for everyone else, this was a major step for one of his favorite Dixons and he was so proud of her. He didn't bother giving a speech, deciding to let actions speak much louder and hugging the couple tight.

"We love you guys too."

That seemed to break the dam and while Charlie, Jody, and Tara had tears in their eyes, they were nothing but supportive. Charlie had something sassy to say but it's what made her, her and June loved her for it.

"I know I'm with Tara now but you'll always be the one that got away... let me know if you switch teams."

"Funny, Tara said almost the exact same thing." She teased. "Love ya Charlie, come see us."


"With me and Maggie there now, ain't no way that shits gonna fly. Just wait til after the election, I got Daryl makin 'Maggie for president' posters."

"You do not!" her friend playfully shoved her.

"No but now I'm gonna. Hey Daryl!" her brother had been talking to Dean but turned when he heard her voice. "Wanna help me make posters for Maggie?"

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