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Castiel found subtle excuses to spend more time at the Sanctuary, not that Negan cared or questioned. His interest in Dean wasn't unusual, he was the newest face and being the leader's son made him a target for invasive questions. Dwight had taken to shielding him from some of the more volatile guys, promising Daryl's brother-in-law that he wasn't going to stab them in the back. He admitted to preparing himself for Daryl to put a bullet in his head when this was over, he deserved it after everything he'd done. His only wish was that he'd been able to kiss Sherri one more time. It was one of these conversations in the stairwell that Castiel interrupted, making sure he wasn't being followed before shoving a chair under the knob. Under no circumstances could they be caught talking about the upcoming mutiny.

"Hello Dean."

"Cas. What's up man?"

"I heard about you and Justin getting into it. Negan's having a word with him..."

"He gettin the bat?"

"No." Dwight was confused by Castiel's being here but let it drop. "He said something about June so most he'll get is a warning not to say stuff about her to Dean."

Dwight rolled his eyes, having heard ALL the colorful shit Negan had said about or compared June to. It wasn't too far off from some of the things he'd said about Sherri and he understood why Dean had nearly broken Justin's nose. Dwight hadn't been overly fond of the Dixon girl but that had more to do with who her brother was than anything else. June was a mouthy thing but listening to Dean talk about her the past two days, the way his eyes seemed to shine whenever he brought her up, it was how he got thinking about his own wife.

"What'd he say?"

Dean's jaw clenched, refusing to think about the shit that came out of the savior's mouths. They certainly felt entitled to saying whatever they wanted about his wife because of John, and assuming he'd left her for good. Unfortunately Castiel hadn't picked up on the not so subtle hints that Dean dropped, wanting to talk about anything else BUT that.

"I believe he called her a 'cum dumpster' and was talking about taking a couple of the guys to Alexandria and running a train on her."

"Jesus fuck Cas!"

"What? Did I get something wrong?"

"No but christ man... read the fucking room!" he didn't smoke but if he had, he would've been tempted to flick it in Castiel's eyes. "Why are you here?"

"Oh right. Everything's been delivered to Alexandria; Rick and Carol got The Kingdom on board and Tara brought fighters back from Oceanside."

"So people know it was an act?"

"Yes. Most claimed to have known the entire time, others are pretty angry at not being let in on the plan."

"And June?"

"She's at Hilltop with Sam. Like I said, some are angry at this being kept a secret."

"They hurt her?" Dwight felt suddenly nervous for Dean's wife and what that could entail. If the people of Alexandria turned on her, they could be down fighters and it was something they couldn't afford.

"Ha! Fat chance." Dean laughed, leaning against the railing and glancing toward the door to make sure no one was coming. "Nobody in that town could take her, not in a fair fight. They'd have to pull some coward shit and catch her off guard to stand a chance."

It was true and even though she'd taken a beating while with the saviors, the only reason she'd lost those was due to dirty fighting. Gary had sucker punched her and someone had a hold of her when Simon popped her one. In a true hand to hand, she was a tough opponent to beat but even with the faith in his wife, there was still a concern with hilltop.

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