Hurt people, hurt people

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The swearing from the garage tipped Sam off to where his brother was and what mood he was in. He'd been doing his best to give Dean a wide berth but they were going on nearly 2 months of fighting and all he wanted was his brother back. He'd felt like the biggest jackass when they arrived at the place the shelter was supposed to be and found out that Dean had been right, they'd wasted time on a pipe dream. THAT they could've bounced back from but the Impala breaking down had sent Dean into a tailspin and he placed the blame solely at Sam's feet. The second 'motherfucker' Sam heard had him putting aside his hurt and going in to check on his big brother. There were tools scattered all over the garage and the engine was torn apart with no sign of when it would be put back together.

"Trouble?" Dean glanced up but didn't give any other kind of acknowledgement. "Want some company?"


"Help then?"

"Also no."

"Come on Dean. I'm trying here, ya gotta give me something."

The only reason Dean had resorted to the silent treatment was because he'd come too close to saying something he couldn't take back. He wasn't just mad at Sam, he felt betrayed by him and it was making it damn near impossible for him to forgive. It was a lot like June after her fallout with Daryl at the farm, even then it had taken a death for her to make up with her brother.

"Leave it Sammy."

"No, screw this! We're brothers! We're supposed to be here for one another, not ice each other out."

"You're right, we are supposed to be here for each other."

"Then why won't you-"

"YOU FUCKED US SAM!" yelling wasn't new but Sam felt it was better than nothing... barely. "YOU STOLE MY DAMN CAR, DROVE US OUT OF THE FUCKING STATE, AND NOW LOOK AT US!" He motioned toward the Impala and the state she was in. Finding parts had been a nightmare and the last time they even tried to go on a run, they'd barely made it back in one piece. "YOU'VE MADE IT IMPOSSIBLE TO GET BACK TO GEORGIA!"

"Dean. I know I messed up but I didn't do it on purpose. I was trying to find a place for us to land, which... kinda did." He smirked but it disappeared as soon as Dean's temper went nuclear and he pushed over a cart of tools, aiming for his baby brother. "Dean!"

"Will you two idjits knock it the hell off! These are my tools you're throwin around!"

"Sorry Bobby."


"You better be sorry. I ain't heard nothin but the two of you fight since ya got here!"

Bobby had been the only silver lining in this cluster-fuck of a nightmare. He'd found the boys a few miles outside of Alexandria and didn't really give Deanna a choice on whether they stayed or not. They were his kids and finding them had been a damn miracle, but as happy as he was to have them safe, they hadn't even tried to hide the strife between them. They'd been fighting when he found them and hadn't stopped since moving in with him. He could see both sides of it, and it was obvious that Sam felt guilty as all hell about what he did, but he also saw the change in Dean. Whoever this June woman was, she must be some kind of magic.

He'd tried talking to Dean about all this before, tried to get him to see that them being alive was just as important as finding their family. They'd had countless conversations about what they'd been through, what they lived through. Bobby knew about Atlanta, the farm, the prison... especially the prison. He'd heard all the horror the boys had witnessed and the things they'd had to do, but he'd heard mostly about June Dixon. Both his boys talked about how strong she was, what a fighter she was, how she would do anything for her family and it gave him hope for someone he hadn't even met. Hope that if anyone could make it out there, it was going to be her and the misfit family she'd helped create... unfortunately this had been a very bad day for Dean, he'd had a nightmare involving June and was in no mood for hope or uplifting speeches.

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