A reason to celebrate

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The month of June was upon them and with Lori overdue and her and Rick still at odds, things had grown tense. Their June had been beyond irritated when Rick admitted he hadn't spoken to Lori that day, letting off on him as gently as possible.

"Rick, it has been a month... ya talked ta Lori yet?"


"And why the hell not?"

"June... please let this go. It's between me and Lori."

"I agree so why do ya keep draggin the rest of us into the middle of it?"

"We're not!" she gave him her very best 'you kiddin me' look and he sighed in defeat. "I mean... we're not meanin to. It just sorta happens."

"I get it Rick, I really do. We ain't had true privacy in a long damn time... all us crammed together like sardines... there's a reason our group is more family than anything else at this point. We've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly and come out of it together but this shit with Lori..."

"I dunno what ta say June. I start out with every intention of talkin to her, makin things right and then when I see her... I can't bring myself to do it."

"Isn't there some famous quote about good intentions and hell?"

"Hell is paved with good intentions."

"That's the one" she smiled up at her friend. "I tell ya what, my birthday's in 8 days, make up with Lori and you can call it my present."

"I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you."

She gave him a quick hug and went out to the courtyard to find her brother and her boyfriend. They had been checking the perimeter and Daryl nearly threw her across the gravel when she snuck up on them and hopped on his back.


"Not even close brother."

"June Rose... you tryna get yourself killed?" he glanced over his shoulder at her and already didn't trust the look in her eyes. "Get down and tell me what ya want woman."

"How'd-ya know I want somethin?"

She hopped off his back and went to hug Dean, her arm staying around his waist and smiling up at him. "Hey baby"

"Out with it June."

"Damn... You two gotta stop spendin so much time together." She huffed. "Alright fine... can I borrow the crossbow?"


"Please? I'll be careful with it!"

"Answers still no but why'd-ya want it?"

"I may have promised Sam that I'd teach him how ta track. Figured there's gotta be some old tracks out in the woods we can practice on."

"Still don't explain you needin my bow."

"What if we find a deer?"

Daryl knew there had to be more to her request than hunting, especially since the rule was 'no hunting big game without Daryl'. Not that he thought she'd mess up the shot or anything, he knew better than that, but the noise always attracted walkers. It was put in place simply for his and Rick's peace of mind and with the way he grabbed the strap told her he wasn't going to budge.

"You find a deer, ya come back and get me. The rule's there for a reason Junie"

"Alright, fine... ya gonna tell me I can't take Sam out?"

"Nope. I think it's a good idea ta teach more people what we know, just be careful."

"I will be." She was grateful he was trusting her to do this, but the way Dean's arm tightened around her told a different story. "Problem Dean?"

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